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Spasmodic dysphonia: An overview of clinical features and treatment options

期刊: AURIS NASUS LARYNX, 2023; 50 (1)

Spasmodic dysphonia (SD) is considered a rare focal laryngeal dystonia characterized by taskspecific voice dysfluency resulting from selective intrins......

Evaluation of chronological changes in videofluorographic findings after transoral videolaryngoscopic surgery to reveal mechanism of dysphagia

期刊: AURIS NASUS LARYNX, 2023; 50 (3)

Objectives: Transoral surgery preserves good swallowing function in most cases, however, post-operative dysphagia sometimes leads to fatal complicatio......

Effects of endolymphatic space volume on discrepancy of results between caloric test and video head impulse test

期刊: AURIS NASUS LARYNX, 2023; 50 (4)

Objective: The caloric test (C-test) and video head impulse test (vHIT) are known to occasionally show contradictory results in patients with Meniere'......

The key timing of pharyngeal reflux in patients with laryngopharyngeal reflux

期刊: AURIS NASUS LARYNX, 2023; 50 (4)

Objective: To analyze the incidence of pharyngeal reflux in laryngopharyngeal reflux patients over a 24-hour period and find out the key timing of pha......

Treatment outcomes of sialendoscopy for submandibular gland sialolithiasis

期刊: AURIS NASUS LARYNX, 2023; 50 (5)

Objective: Sialendoscopy is a procedure used to remove salivary stones intraorally using a sialendoscope. In this study, we identified treatment outco......

A stomaplasty for total laryngectomy with a previous tracheostomy

期刊: AURIS NASUS LARYNX, 2023; 50 (6)

Objective: Stomaplasties were widely used to prevent or revise stomal stenosis, however, a previous tracheostomy can limit the choice of some techniqu......

Does myringosclerosis affect the success of butterfly myringoplasty?

期刊: AURIS NASUS LARYNX, 2023; 50 (6)

Objectives: Butterfly inlay myringoplasty is a simple and practical surgical technique used in the repair of tympanic membrane perforation offering go......

Reliable and safe salivary duct repositioning technique with partial transection and intraductal stenting: Technical notes

期刊: AURIS NASUS LARYNX, 2023; 50 (1)

Salivary duct repositioning is often performed after excision of malignant tumors or removal of sialoliths to maintain salivary function and minimize ......

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease with dizziness initially presenting to the otolaryngology department

期刊: AURIS NASUS LARYNX, 2023; 50 (3)

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is a fatal transmissible prion disease of the central nervous system. Dizziness as an initial manifestation of Creutzfeldt-J......

Vestibular hydrops in patients with semicircular canal malformation

期刊: AURIS NASUS LARYNX, 2023; 50 (5)

Objective: To investigate the vestibular endolymphatic hydrops in patients with semicircular canal malformation.Methods: We searched 7864 patients who......

CO 2 transoral laser microsurgery for early glottic carcinoma with anterior commissure involvement

期刊: AURIS NASUS LARYNX, 2023; 50 (3)

Objective: Anterior commissure (AC) involvement is an unfavorable factor for transoral laser microsurgery (TLM) treatment of early glottic carcinoma (......

Elevation of C-reactive protein during concurrent chemoradiotherapy is a poor predictive factor for head and neck cancer

期刊: AURIS NASUS LARYNX, 2023; 50 (4)

Objective: The prognostic role of pretreatment C-reactive protein (CRP) has been reported for head and neck cancer. However, little is known about the......

Vascularized osseous flaps for head and neck reconstruction: Comparative analysis focused on complications and salvage options

期刊: AURIS NASUS LARYNX, 2023; 50 (5)

Objectives: This study aimed to compare the clinical outcomes of fibular (FFF group) and scapular (SFF group) osseous free flaps for reconstructing he......

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