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Revisiting the association between treatment with antidepressants and mania: A nationwide within-individual study of 3554 patients with bipolar disorder

期刊: BIPOLAR DISORDERS, 2023; 25 (7)

IntroductionAntidepressants are commonly used off-label for bipolar depression, despite concerns over the risk of potential treatment-emergent mania (......

Addressing the core trait of bipolar disorder: A concept analysis of mood-stabilizing drugs

期刊: BIPOLAR DISORDERS, 2023; 25 (6)

ObjectiveThe term mood stabilizer is controversial in the literature and criticized for being imprecise and overly inclusive, having its retirement su......

Difficult decision-making in major depressive disorder: Practical guidance based on clinical research and experience

期刊: BIPOLAR DISORDERS, 2023; 25 (5)

ObjectivesTo extend current published guidance regarding the management of major depression in clinical practice, by examining complex cases that refl......

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