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A new species of the red alga Erythrotrichia (Erythropeltales, Rhodophyta) from Korea: Erythrotrichia johnawestii sp. nov. and observations in culture

期刊: BOTANICA MARINA, 2023; 66 (3)

Four species of Erythrotrichia (E. biseriata, E. reflexa, E. tetraseriata, E. carnea) have been reported in Korea, but phylogenetic studies have not b......

Inconsistency between morphological diversity and genetic structuring: proposal for one species of Undaria in Japan

期刊: BOTANICA MARINA, 2023; 66 (1)

Genetic structure analyses have yielded some examples of inconsistencies between genetic and morphological information. Here, eleven nuclear microsate......

Salinity and temperature affect growth rate of Alphamyces chaetifer and Gorgonomyces haynaldii (Chytridiomycota) isolated from coastal habitats of Taiwan

期刊: BOTANICA MARINA, 2023; 66 (4)

Salinity and temperature are two of the key environmental variables influencing the distribution of fungi. Results from the limited research available......

An overview of fungal taxonomic, functional, and genetic diversity in coastal and oceanic biomes in megadiverse Mexico

期刊: BOTANICA MARINA, 2023; ()

A comprehensive literature review of mycodiversity in sandy beaches and oceanic environments in Mexico is presented through the analysis of published ......

Differences between the wild-type and cultivated Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis revealed by quantitative proteome and gene expression profiling analysis

期刊: BOTANICA MARINA, 2023; ()

The seaweed Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis is widely cultivated in the southern and northern coasts of China, and is mainly used for agar extraction and......

Laurencia mediterranea sp. nov. (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) from the central Mediterranean Sea

期刊: BOTANICA MARINA, 2023; 66 (6)

The identification of macroalgal species within the Laurencia complex is challenging, due to the presence of inconspicuous morphological characters, e......

From Tasmania to the world: long and strong traditions in seaweed use, research, and development

期刊: BOTANICA MARINA, 2023; 66 (1)

Tasmania is an island state in south-eastern Australia that has a long and rich history of seaweed use, research, and development. It is a cool-temper......

Diversity of marine fungi in Pondicherry mangroves, east coast of India and systematic placement of Rhizophila marina

期刊: BOTANICA MARINA, 2023; 66 (6)

Although many novel marine fungi have been described from Indian mangroves, a significant number of mangroves in India have not been thoroughly invest......

Acoustic scattering properties of a seagrass, Cymodocea nodosa: in-situ measurements

期刊: BOTANICA MARINA, 2023; 66 (6)

Marine prairies play various crucial roles in marine ecosystems. The seagrasses that compose them are one of the most important components engineering......

Species diversity of the brown alga Lobophora (Dictyotales) in the Con Co Island Marine Protected Area, Vietnam

期刊: BOTANICA MARINA, 2023; ()

We reevaluated species diversity of the brown alga Lobophora in Vietnam's Con Co Marine Protected Area (MPA), where only one species had previously be......

Genetic diversity of culturable fungi associated with scleractinian corals in the Gulf of Thailand

期刊: BOTANICA MARINA, 2023; 66 (4)

Coral reefs are one of the most biodiverse marine ecosystems. Diverse microbes are associated with corals, including zooxanthellae, protists, prokaryo......

Stable isotope values (δ13C, δ15N) of macroalgal communities at Loch Creran and its relevance for elucidating sources of macroalgal organic carbon in fjordic sedimentary systems

期刊: BOTANICA MARINA, 2023; ()

Here, macroalgal isotopic values from Loch Creran, Western Scotland, were documented to determine the suitability of paired stable isotope analysis fo......

First record of phytomyxid infection of the non-native seagrass Halophila stipulacea in Puerto Rico

期刊: BOTANICA MARINA, 2023; 66 (2)

Halophila stipulacea is an invasive seagrass in the Caribbean Sea that also harbors a phytomyxid endoparasite. Phytomyxean parasites are known to caus......

Ultrastructural characterization of Minutocellus polymorphus (Cymatosiraceae, Bacillariophyta) and first record from the Eastern Pacific

期刊: BOTANICA MARINA, 2023; 66 (2)

The diatom Minutocellus polymorphus is a widely studied species because it is an ideal model for toxicity tests since it grows rapidly. Although the g......

New record of Halymenia malaysiana (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) from Viet Nam, and its genetic diversity in the western Pacific

期刊: BOTANICA MARINA, 2023; 66 (2)

Halymenia malaysiana, one of the foliose species of Halymenia was first reported from Malaysia and showed some morphological features that distinguish......

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