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Porites astreoides coral populations demonstrate high clonality and connectivity in southeast Florida

期刊: CORAL REEFS, 2023; 42 (5)

Coral reefs in southeast Florida have experienced severe losses in coral cover and diversity in recent decades, primarily due to disease outbreaks and......

Long-distance movements of free-ranging sea snakes (Hydrophis, Elapidae)

期刊: CORAL REEFS, 2023; 42 (5)

The capacity for individuals to move long distances can profoundly influence how species are affected by localised threatening processes. Previous stu......

Thermal stress response of Antipathella wollastoni (Gray, 1857) from the Canary Islands archipelago

期刊: CORAL REEFS, 2023; ()

The present study aims at assessing the thermal tolerance of the black coral Antipathella wollastoni (Gray, 1857), which forms extensive forests in mu......

Substratum selection in coral reef sponges and their interactions with other benthic organisms

期刊: CORAL REEFS, 2023; 42 (2)

Substratum preferences and contact interactions among sessile organisms can be a major determinant of biotic gradients in the structure of benthic com......

Coral settlement and recruitment are negatively related to reef fish trait diversity

期刊: CORAL REEFS, 2023; 42 (2)

The process of coral recruitment is crucial to the functioning of coral reef ecosystems and recovery of coral assemblages following disturbances. Fish......

Functional gene composition and metabolic potential of deep-sea coral-associated microbial communities

期刊: CORAL REEFS, 2023; 42 (5)

Over the past decade, an abundance of 16S rRNA gene surveys have provided microbiologists with data regarding the prokaryotes present in a coral-assoc......

Reef habitats structure symbiotic microalgal assemblages in corals and contribute to differential heat stress responses

期刊: CORAL REEFS, 2023; 42 (1)

Coral-associated microbial symbionts, particularly dinoflagellates from the family Symbiodiniaceae, play a significant role in corals' ability to surv......

Dense clusters improve efficiency and foster colony development in restored Acropora cervicornis

期刊: CORAL REEFS, 2023; 42 (2)

A primary objective of coral restoration is to foster the development of large, sexually reproductive colonies to reseed degraded reefs. Practitioners......

Morphological organization and ultrastructural evaluation of the oocyte-sperm bundle of the Southwestern Atlantic coral Mussismilia harttii

期刊: CORAL REEFS, 2023; 42 (2)

Most coral species of known reproductive traits are broadcast spawners, with about 65% being hermaphrodites that envelop their gametes together in ooc......

Interactions between invaders: facilitation of boring bivalves leads to reduced adhesive strength of sun corals

期刊: CORAL REEFS, 2023; 42 (2)

Sun corals (Tubastraea spp.) have invaded the SW Atlantic coast in the 1980s, saturating vertical walls at heavily impacted areas. More recently, the ......

Styles and rates of mesophotic reef accretion on a Caribbean insular slope

期刊: CORAL REEFS, 2023; 42 (5)

Structural framework is fundamental to the concept of a coral-algal reef. However, our current understanding of reef framework is based largely upon s......

The role of background algal symbionts as drivers of shuffling to thermotolerant Symbiodiniaceae following bleaching in three Caribbean coral species

期刊: CORAL REEFS, 2023; ()

Reef-building corals host diverse dinoflagellate algal symbionts (Family Symbiodiniaceae) whose identity can influence host thermotolerance and whose ......

Positive spatial autocorrelation in three habitat quality indicators sets the stage for evolution of adaptive dispersal plasticity in a coral reef fish

期刊: CORAL REEFS, 2023; ()

Dispersal, the movement of individuals away from their natal location to another location, is a basic driver of ecological and evolutionary processes.......

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