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Synergistic roles of the phospholipase B homolog Plb1 and the cAMP-dependent protein kinase Pka1 in the hypertonic stress response of Schizosaccharomyces pombe

期刊: CURRENT GENETICS, 2022; 68 (5-6)

The phospholipase B homolog Plb1 and the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) pathway are required by fission yeast, also known as to Schizosaccharomyc......


Off-target effects of base editors: what we know and how we can reduce it

期刊: CURRENT GENETICS, 2022; 68 (1)

The recently discovered CRISPR-Cas9 modification, base editors (BEs), is considered as one of the most promising tools for correcting disease-causing ......


Transcriptional repressor Gal80 recruits corepressor complex Cyc8-Tup1 to structural genes of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae GAL regulon

期刊: CURRENT GENETICS, 2022; 68 (1)

Under non-inducing conditions (absence of galactose), yeast structural genes of the GAL regulon are repressed by Gal80, preventing interaction of Gal4......


Variable penetrance of Nab3 granule accumulation quantified by a new tool for high-throughput single-cell granule analysis

期刊: CURRENT GENETICS, 2022; 68 (3-4)

Reorganization of cellular proteins into subcellular compartments, such as the concentration of RNA-binding proteins into cytoplasmic stress granules ......


A novel Zn-2-Cys(6) transcription factor clcA contributes to copper homeostasis in Aspergillus fumigatus

期刊: CURRENT GENETICS, 2022; 68 (5-6)

The filamentous fungus Aspergillus fumigatus is the most important pathogenic fungus among Aspergillus species associated with aspergillosis. A. fumig......


NDK/NME proteins: a host-pathogen interface perspective towards therapeutics

期刊: CURRENT GENETICS, 2022; 68 (1)

No effective vaccine is available for any parasitic disease. The treatment to those is solely dependent on chemotherapy, which is always threatened du......


Suggestion for a new bacteriophage genus for the Klebsiella pneumoniae phage vB_KpnS-Carvaje

期刊: CURRENT GENETICS, 2022; 68 (3-4)

This work describes the newly isolated Klebsiella pneumoniae phage vB_KpnS-Carvaje that presents unique features in relation to other phages reported ......


Wide mutational analysis to ascertain the functional roles of eL33 in ribosome biogenesis and translation initiation

期刊: CURRENT GENETICS, 2022; 68 (5-6)

An extensive mutational analysis of RPL33A, encoding the yeast ribosomal protein L33A (eL33) allowed us to identify several novel rpl33a mutants with ......


Transcriptional noise adjusted for expression levels reveals genes with high transcriptional noise that are highly expressed, functionally related, and co-regulated in yeast

期刊: CURRENT GENETICS, 2022; 68 (5-6)

Understanding the relationship between variability in single-cell and non-single-cell gene expression studies will aid in understanding the role of an......


Insertion orientation within the cassette affects gene-targeting success during ends-out recombination in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

期刊: CURRENT GENETICS, 2022; 68 (5-6)

Gene-targeting is one of the most important molecular tools for genomic manipulations for research and industrial purposes. However, many factors infl......


Dysfunction of Ras-GAP protein AfgapA contributes to hypoxia fitness in Aspergillus fumigatus

期刊: CURRENT GENETICS, 2022; 68 (5-6)

The filamentous fungus Aspergillus fumigatus is the most important pathogenic fungus among Aspergillus species associated with aspergillosis. A. fumig......


Increased peroxisome proliferation is associated with early yeast replicative ageing

期刊: CURRENT GENETICS, 2022; 68 (2)

Peroxisomes are single membrane-bound organelles ubiquitously present in several cell types and are associated with cell and tissue-specific functions......


Application of recyclable CRISPR/Cas9 tools for targeted genome editing in the postharvest pathogenic fungi Penicillium digitatum and Penicillium expansum

期刊: CURRENT GENETICS, 2022; 68 (3-4)

Penicillium digitatum and Penicillium expansum are plant pathogenic fungi that cause the green and blue mold diseases, respectively, leading to seriou......


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