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Is Zooplankton Body Size an Indicator of Water Quality in (Sub)tropical Reservoirs in China?

期刊: ECOSYSTEMS, 2022; 25 (2)

Large zooplankton can efficiently graze on algae and thereby improve water quality. However, zooplankton body size is considered to decrease with decr......


Natural Advance Regeneration of Native Tree Species in Pinus radiata Plantations of South-Central Chile Suggests Potential for a Passive Restoration Approach

期刊: ECOSYSTEMS, 2022; 25 (5)

Restoration of natural forests previously replaced by plantations is a widespread challenge for forestry in Chile and elsewhere. However, there is lit......


Salt Marshes Buffer El Nino Effects on Benthic Secondary Production

期刊: ECOSYSTEMS, 2022; 25 (5)

The El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) strongly influences climate and hydrology on the planet and may drive the structure and functioning of estuari......


Increased Water Use Efficiency in China and Its Drivers During 2000-2016

期刊: ECOSYSTEMS, 2022; 25 (7)

Water use efficiency (WUE), the carbon uptake per unit of water consumption, is a critical indicator of the coupling between water and carbon cycles i......


Carbon and Nitrogen Stocks and Burial Rates in Intertidal Vegetated Habitats of a Mesotidal Coastal Lagoon

期刊: ECOSYSTEMS, 2022; 25 (2)

Coastal vegetated ecosystems such as saltmarshes and seagrasses are important sinks of organic carbon (OC) and total nitrogen (TN), with large global ......


Effects of Soil Abiotic and Biotic Factors on Tree Seedling Regeneration Following a Boreal Forest Wildfire

期刊: ECOSYSTEMS, 2022; 25 (2)

Wildfire disturbance is important for tree regeneration in boreal ecosystems. A considerable amount of literature has been published on how wildfires ......


The Predominance of Nongrowing Season Emissions to the Annual Methane Budget of a Semiarid Alpine Meadow on the Northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau

期刊: ECOSYSTEMS, 2022; 25 (3)

The terrestrial methane budget varies between different vegetation types and soil conditions and is highly uncertain for alpine grasslands. This work ......


Predicting Dissolved Organic Matter Lability and Carbon Accumulation in Temperate Freshwater Ecosystems

期刊: ECOSYSTEMS, 2022; 25 (4)

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) dynamics influence aquatic ecosystem metabolism with ecological and biogeochemical effects. During microbial degradatio......


Disproportionate Contribution of Vegetated Habitats to the CH4 and CO2 Budgets of a Boreal Lake

期刊: ECOSYSTEMS, 2022; 25 (7)

Many lakes have areas that are colonized by different types of macrophytes, including emergent plants that are rooted in sediments. Emergent macrophyt......


Hurricane-Induced Massive Nutrient Return via Tropical Dry Forest Litterfall: Has Forest Biogeochemistry Resilience Changed?

期刊: ECOSYSTEMS, 2022; 25 (8)

High-intensity hurricane disturbances have severe consequences on forest structure and functioning. Through wind force and heavy rainfall, they cause ......


Seeing the System from Above: The Use and Potential of Remote Sensing for Studying Ecosystem Dynamics

期刊: ECOSYSTEMS, 2022; 25 (8)

Remote sensing techniques are increasingly used for studying ecosystem dynamics, delivering spatially explicit information on the properties of Earth ......


Archaeological and Contemporary Evidence Indicates Low Sea Otter Prevalence on the Pacific Northwest Coast During the Late Holocene

期刊: ECOSYSTEMS, 2022; 25 (3)

The historic extirpation and subsequent recovery of sea otters (Enhydra lutris) have profoundly changed coastal social-ecological systems across the n......


Modelling Marine Predator Habitat Using the Abundance of Its Pelagic Prey in the Tropical South-Western Pacific

期刊: ECOSYSTEMS, 2022; 25 (4)

Understanding the ecological mechanisms underpinning distribution patterns is vital in managing populations of mobile marine species. This study is a ......


Savanna-Forest Coexistence Across a Fire Gradient

期刊: ECOSYSTEMS, 2022; 25 (2)

Tropical forests and savannas can co-occur in a range of macro-environmental conditions. In these conditions, disturbances and resource availability a......


Unexpected Negative Effect of Available Water Capacity Detected on Recent Conifer Forest Growth Trends Across Wide Environmental Gradients

期刊: ECOSYSTEMS, 2022; 25 (2)

National Forest Inventories (NFIs) perform systematic forest surveys across space and time. They are hence powerful tools to understand climate contro......


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