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Frontal lobe epilepsy and mild malformation with oligodendroglial hyperplasia: Further observations on electroclinical and imaging phenotypes, and surgical perspectives

期刊: EPILEPTIC DISORDERS, 2023; 25 (3)

Objective: Mild malformation with oligodendroglial hyperplasia (MOGHE) is a recently described clinicopathologic entity, associated with drug-resistan......

Plok-plok syndrome: Posttraumatic stress disorder following an SEEG thermocoagulation and direct electrical stimulation procedure

期刊: EPILEPTIC DISORDERS, 2023; 25 (3)

The psychological impact of intracerebral electroencephalography (stereoelectroencephalography [SEEG]) including the thermocoagulation procedure has n......

Focal tonic seizures with asymmetrical posturing could allow voluntary movements: A lesson to not be misled for a non-epileptic event

期刊: EPILEPTIC DISORDERS, 2023; 25 (3)

This report documents the clinical features of supplementary motor area seizures with voluntary movements in two patients. The first case describes a ......

Long-term efficacy of deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus in patients with pharmacologically intractable epilepsy: A case series of six patients

期刊: EPILEPTIC DISORDERS, 2023; 25 (5)

Objective: Epilepsy is one of the widespread neurological illnesses, and about 20%-40% of epilepsy patients are pharmacoresistant. We aimed to assess ......

Pseudohyperkalemia due to cryohydrocytosis in GLUT1 deficiency syndrome. A case report and literature review

期刊: EPILEPTIC DISORDERS, 2023; 25 (3)

Cryohydrocytosis is a form of stomatocytosis characterized by the leakage of sodium and potassium from red blood cells at low temperatures, characteri......

Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy: What Saudi people with epilepsy want to know-A cross-sectional study

期刊: EPILEPTIC DISORDERS, 2023; 25 (4)

Objective: Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) is a significant cause of mortality in people with epilepsy (PWE), with an incidence of 1 per 1......

Challenges and needs of epilepsy management in primary care (from the perspective of family physicians/general practitioners): A cross-sectional study

期刊: EPILEPTIC DISORDERS, 2023; 25 (5)

Objective: Family physicians are expected to have sufficient knowledge and skills in epilepsy management due to frequent encountering with epileptic p......

Long-term effectiveness and seizure recurrence risk factors of ketogenic diet for pediatric refractory epilepsy: Experience from a tertiary care center in China

期刊: EPILEPTIC DISORDERS, 2023; 25 (6)

ObjectiveThis study aimed to assess the long-term effectiveness and seizure recurrence risk in children with drug-resistant epilepsy who achieved seiz......

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