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NOTCH4 Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Is Associated with Brain Arteriovenous Malformation in a Chinese Han Population

期刊: EUROPEAN NEUROLOGY, 2023; 86 (2)

Introduction: Brain arteriovenous malformations (BAVMs) are high-flow intracranial vascular malformations characterized by the direct connection of ar......


期刊: EUROPEAN NEUROLOGY, 2023; 86 (3)

Mutations in the neurofilament polypetide light chain (NEFL) gene account for <1 % of all forms of Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) diseases, and present ......

Imaging, genetic and pathological features of vascular dementia

期刊: EUROPEAN NEUROLOGY, 2023; 86 (4)

Background: Over the past decades, marked progress has been made in detecting vascular dementia (VD) both through maturation of diagnostic concepts an......

Migraine Disability and Severity Improvement during Long-Term Treatment with Erenumab

期刊: EUROPEAN NEUROLOGY, 2023; 86 (2)

The aim of the present study was to assess erenumab efficacy in migraine disability and intensity throughout the first treatment cycle, discontinuatio......

Association of Dietary Patterns with Parkinson's Disease: A Cross-Sectional Study Based on the United States National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey Database

期刊: EUROPEAN NEUROLOGY, 2023; 86 (1)

Introduction: Although studies have explored some dietary patterns for Parkinson's disease (PD), more other dietary patterns and food item under the d......

Identifying the Basic Dimensions of Medication-Triggered Impulsive Compulsive Behaviours in Parkinson's Disease

期刊: EUROPEAN NEUROLOGY, 2023; 86 (2)

Background: This review article integrates findings from published behavioural and neuroimaging studies of impulsive-compulsive behaviours (ICBs) in P......

Management of status epilepticus by different pediatric departments: neurology, intensive care and emergency medicine

期刊: EUROPEAN NEUROLOGY, 2023; 86 (5)

Introduction: The aim of this study was to explore the differences in status epilepticus (SE) management among pediatric neurology, emergency medicine......

Nonpainful Trigeminal Neuropathy Associated with a Solitary Pontine Lesion: A Case Series

期刊: EUROPEAN NEUROLOGY, 2023; 86 (2)

A solitary pontine lesion (SPL) is a single brainstem lesion on the trigeminal nerve pathway without any other central nervous system lesion. This res......

Interferon beta-1a vs. glatiramer acetate: changes of innate immunity in a group of women with multiple sclerosis

期刊: EUROPEAN NEUROLOGY, 2023; 86 (5)

Introduction: Multiple sclerosis is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune demyelinating disease that secondarily leads to the axonal loss and associated b......

Effectiveness of Progressive Resistance Training in Parkinson's Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

期刊: EUROPEAN NEUROLOGY, 2023; 86 (1)

Introduction: The aim of this study was to systematically explore progressive resistance training (PRT) effects in Parkinson's disease (PD). Methods: ......

An Association Study of ESR1-XbaI and PvuII Gene Polymorphism in Migraine Susceptibility in the Jammu Region

期刊: EUROPEAN NEUROLOGY, 2023; 86 (1)

Introduction: Migraine is a neurovascular disorder and is clinically characterized by episodic attacks of mild to severe headaches. Due to the involve......

Visual Working Memory Capacity in Patients with Temporal Lobe Glioma

期刊: EUROPEAN NEUROLOGY, 2023; 86 (2)

Introduction: Working memory (WM) refers to the temporary storage and manipulation of information. Short-term memory storage can be divided into separ......

Delirium and dementia in the elderly: sometimes associated or always together?

期刊: EUROPEAN NEUROLOGY, 2023; 86 (3)

Background - In the elderly, the association of delirium and dementia can cause diagnostic problems because they share the same symptom of confusion. ......

Association of pesticide exposure with cognitive function in farmers

期刊: EUROPEAN NEUROLOGY, 2023; 86 (5)

IntroductionOrganophosphate and carbamate are two types of pesticides that can induce cholinesterase suppression in humans. These lead to poisoning sy......

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