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Fishery essentiality: A short-term decision-making method based on economic viability as a tool to understand and manage data-limited small-scale fisheries

期刊: FISHERIES RESEARCH, 2022; 246 ()

Small-scale fisheries (SSFs), usually overlooked and marginalized in policy processes, play an important role in contributing to food security, nutrit......


Assessing the size selectivity of capture gears for reef fishes using paired stereo-baited remote underwater video

期刊: FISHERIES RESEARCH, 2022; 249 ()

All methods used to sample fish populations exhibit some degree of size selectivity, whether due to the physical properties of the gear, behavioral re......


Behavioral response and retinal adaptation of Blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) exposed to LED lights - Led light as a potential artificial attractant in trap fishing

期刊: FISHERIES RESEARCH, 2022; 250 ()

Trap fishing offers many potential benefits such as high catch quality and the possibility to release unwanted catch alive. The use of wild fish as a ......


Investigating angler satisfaction: The relevance of catch, motives and contextual conditions

期刊: FISHERIES RESEARCH, 2022; 250 ()

Understanding satisfaction is an important aspect of the management of recreational fisheries. We investigated fishing trip satisfaction from data col......


Cestode parasites are depleted in N-15 relative to their fish hosts in northern Alberta, Canada

期刊: FISHERIES RESEARCH, 2022; 248 ()

The use of stable isotopes to study trophic interactions and food webs has become a common practice in ecology. Until recently, parasites were largely......


Delineating yellowfin sole (Limanda aspera) reproduction in the northern Bering Sea provides information across the eastern Bering Sea continental shelf

期刊: FISHERIES RESEARCH, 2022; 252 ()

Yellowfin sole (Limanda aspera) is an abundant, commercially harvested flatfish that ranges across the northern and southeastern Bering Sea continenta......


Assessing the effectiveness of dFADs fishing moratorium in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean for conservation of juvenile tunas from AOTTP data

期刊: FISHERIES RESEARCH, 2022; 253 ()

Targeting tunas associated with drifting Fish Aggregating Devices (dFADs) raises questions on the sustainability of tropical tuna fisheries. To limit ......


Estimating tag-reporting rates for Atlantic tropical tuna fleets using coincidental tag return and tag seeding experiment data

期刊: FISHERIES RESEARCH, 2022; 253 ()

One of the most important biases to consider in tagging capture-recapture data for stock assessment studies is the proportion of reported tags among t......


European hake (Merluccius merluccius) stock structure in the Mediterranean as assessed by otolith shape and microchemistry

期刊: FISHERIES RESEARCH, 2022; 254 ()

The European hake Merluccius merluccius is the third most valuable species for the North-East Atlantic and the Mediterranean fisheries. European hake ......


Estimating length composition of fish observed with stereo-video cameras: A simulation study with application to red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus)

期刊: FISHERIES RESEARCH, 2022; 254 ()

Stereo-video cameras have become an important tool worldwide for enumerating abundance and length com-positions of marine fish. The two most common ap......


Upgrading from M version 0.2: An application-based method for practical estimation, evaluation and uncertainty characterization of natural mortality

期刊: FISHERIES RESEARCH, 2022; 256 ()

Natural morality (M) is a notoriously difficult population parameter to estimate, yet it is also one of the most important measures of life history th......


Fishing for survival: Importance of shark fisheries for the livelihoods of coastal communities in Western Ghana

期刊: FISHERIES RESEARCH, 2022; 246 ()

Small-scale shark fisheries support the livelihoods of a large number of coastal communities in developing countries. Shark meat comprises a cheap sou......


Recognition on the working status of Acetes chinensis quota fishing vessels based on a 3D convolutional neural network

期刊: FISHERIES RESEARCH, 2022; 248 ()

In the present study, a method for identifying the status of Acetes chinensis fishing vessels based on a 3D convolutional neural network is proposed, ......


Using otolith microstructure analysis in studies on the ecology of the early life stages of cod, Gadus morhua L.: A review

期刊: FISHERIES RESEARCH, 2022; 250 ()

Otolith microstructure and otolith size analyses have been important research tools in the study of the early life history of cod, Gadus morhua L., si......


Catch and Release angling: Implications for the management and conservation of the Mediterranean trout in central Italy

期刊: FISHERIES RESEARCH, 2022; 250 ()

Overexploitation and consequent depletion of the breeding stock is one of multiple stressors affecting Mediterranean trout Salmo cettii Rafinesque, 18......


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