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Mitochondrial DNA (CA)(n) dinucleotide repeat variations in Sinhalese and Vedda populations in Sri Lanka

期刊: GENETICA, 2022; 150 (2)

Sinhalese and Vedda people are respectively the major ethnic group and the descendants of the probably earliest inhabitants of Sri Lanka, both believe......


Solving the grand challenge of phenotypic integration: allometry across scales

期刊: GENETICA, 2022; 150 (3-4)

Phenotypic integration is a concept related to the cascade of trait relationships from the lowest organizational levels, i.e. genes, to the highest, i......


Identification, molecular characterization, and in silico structural analysis of larval salivary glands Netrin-A as a potent biomarker from Lucilia sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae)

期刊: GENETICA, 2022; 150 (6)

The greenbottle blowfly Lucilia sericata (L. sericata) is increasingly used in larval therapy of chronic wounds. Netrins as bifunctional proteins are ......


Using phenotypic plasticity to understand the structure and evolution of the genotype-phenotype map

期刊: GENETICA, 2022; 150 (3-4)

Deciphering the genotype-phenotype map necessitates relating variation at the genetic level to variation at the phenotypic level. This endeavour is in......


Comprehensive analysis of codon usage pattern in Withania somnifera and its associated pathogens: Meloidogyne incognita and Alternaria alternata

期刊: GENETICA, 2022; 150 (2)

Meloidogyne incognita (Root-knot nematode) and Alternaria alternata (fungus) were among the dominant parasites of the medicinal plant Withania somnife......


The complete chloroplast genome of two Firmiana species and comparative analysis with other related species

期刊: GENETICA, 2022; 150 (6)

Firmiana is a small genus within the subfamily Sterculioideae of the Malvaceae. There are nine Firmiana species distributed in South and South-west Ch......


Recognition of functional genetic polymorphism using ESE motif definition: a conservative evolutionary approach to CYP2D6/CYP2C19 gene variants

期刊: GENETICA, 2022; 150 (5)

Although predicting the effects of variants near intron-exon boundaries is relatively straightforward, predicting the functional Exon Splicing Enhance......


Species and population genomic differentiation in Pocillopora corals (Cnidaria, Hexacorallia)

期刊: GENETICA, 2022; 150 (5)

Correctly delimiting species and populations is a prerequisite for studies of connectivity, adaptation and conservation. Genomic data are particularly......


Long-term evolution of quantitative traits in the Drosophila melanogaster species subgroup

期刊: GENETICA, 2022; 150 (6)

Quantitative genetics aims at untangling the genetic and environmental effects on phenotypic variation. Trait heritability, which summarizes the relat......


The complete mitochondrial genome of Talpa martinorum (Mammalia: Talpidae), a mole species endemic to Thrace: genome content and phylogenetic considerations

期刊: GENETICA, 2022; 150 (5)

The complete mitogenome sequence of Talpa martinorum, a recently described Balkan endemic mole, was assembled from next generation sequence data. The ......


Human genes with codon usage bias similar to that of the nonstructural protein 1 gene of influenza A viruses are conjointly involved in the infectious pathogenesis of influenza A viruses

期刊: GENETICA, 2022; 150 (2)

Molecular mechanisms of the non-structural protein 1 (NS1) in influenza A-induced pathological changes remain ambiguous. This study explored the patho......


The genotype-phenotype distinction: from Mendelian genetics to 21st century biology

期刊: GENETICA, 2022; 150 (3-4)

The Genotype-Phenotype (G-P) distinction was proposed in the context of Mendelian genetics, in the wake of late nineteenth century studies about hered......


Chromosomal distribution of major rDNA and genome size variation in Belostoma angustum Lauck, B. nessimiani Ribeiro & Alecrim, and B. sanctulum Montandon (Insecta, Heteroptera, Belostomatidae)

期刊: GENETICA, 2022; 150 (5)

Known as electric-light bugs, belostomatids potentially act as agents of biological control. The Belostoma genus has holokinetic chromosomes, interspe......


Genetic structure of Enyalius capetinga (Squamata, Leiosauridae) in Central Cerrado and transitional areas between the Cerrado and the Atlantic forest, with updated geographic distribution

期刊: GENETICA, 2022; 150 (6)

The Brazilian Cerrado is considered a biodiversity hotspot highly threatened by human activities. Recently, many studies have demonstrated how underes......


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