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Major-element geochemistry of pelites

期刊: GEOLOGY, 2023; 51 (1)

Pelites (shales and mudstones) are arguably the most important rock type for interpreting metamorphism. Their significance derives from their widespre......

Subsurface heat and salts cause exceptionally limited methane hydrate stability in the Mediterranean Basin

期刊: GEOLOGY, 2023; 51 (2)

Knowledge of the global reservoir of submarine gas hydrates is of great relevance for understanding global climate dynamics, submarine geohazards, and......

Ammonoid extinction versus nautiloid survival: Is metabolism responsible?

期刊: GEOLOGY, 2023; 51 (7)

Understanding the mechanism of selective extinction is important in predicting the impact of anthropogenic environmental changes on current ecosystems......

Hadean tectonics: Insights from machine learning

期刊: GEOLOGY, 2023; 51 (8)

The tectonic affiliations and magma compositions that formed Earth's earliest crusts remain hotly debated. Previous efforts toward this goal have reli......

Rapid fluvial remobilization of sediments deposited by the 2021 Chamoli disaster, Indian Himalaya

期刊: GEOLOGY, 2023; 51 (10)

High-magnitude mass flows can have a pervasive geomorphological legacy, yet the shortterm response of valley floors to such intense disturbances is po......

Magma mingling and ascent in the minutes to hours before an explosive eruption as recorded by banded pumice

期刊: GEOLOGY, 2023; 51 (10)

High-threat explosive silicic eruptions commonly contain banded pumice, reflecting magma mingling in the conduit prior to or during eruption. Heteroge......

A unique record of prokaryote cell pyritization

期刊: GEOLOGY, 2023; 51 (11)

Prokaryotes, including bacteria, are a major component of both modern and ancient ecosystems. Although fossilized prokaryotes are commonly discovered ......

Impact of stream power gradients on storage of sediment and carbon on channel margins and floodplains

期刊: GEOLOGY, 2023; 51 (1)

Spatial complexity impacts the resilience of river ecosystems by mediating processes that control the sources and sinks of sediment and organic materi......

Triggering of episodic back-arc extensions in the northeast Asian continental margin by deep mantle flow

期刊: GEOLOGY, 2023; 51 (2)

Back-arc extension has been well documented in subduction plate tectonic regimes. How-ever, the reasons why back-arc extensions are associated with so......

Crustal conductivity footprint of the orogenic gold district in the Red Lake greenstone belt, western Superior craton, Canada

期刊: GEOLOGY, 2023; 51 (4)

A magnetotelluric (MT) study across the Red Lake greenstone belt of the western Supe-rior craton, Canada, images a 50-km-long north-dipping conductor ......

Dating submarine landslides using the transient response of gas hydrate stability

期刊: GEOLOGY, 2023; 51 (4)

Submarine landslides are prevalent on the modern-day seafloor, yet an elusive problem is constraining the timing of past slope failure. We present a n......

Sediment routing in an incised valley during Hurricane Harvey (2017) in Houston, Texas, USA: Implications for modern sedimentation

期刊: GEOLOGY, 2023; 51 (11)

Southeastern Texas (United States) recorded one of the largest flooding events in U.S. history during Hurricane Harvey (25-31 August 2017), mobilizing......

Reconstructing past disturbance in coral communities using U-Th dating of dead coral skeletons

期刊: GEOLOGY, 2023; 51 (10)

In the absence of detailed broad-scale studies, both spatially and temporally, the overall status (disturbed, recovering, or in decline) of many of th......

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