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Ecological and methodological drivers of non-stationarity in tree growth response to climate

期刊: GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 2023; 29 (2)

Radial tree growth is sensitive to environmental conditions, making observed growth increments an important indicator of climate change effects on for......

Climate change and commercial fishing practices codetermine survival of a long-lived seabird

期刊: GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 2023; 29 (2)

Understanding the environmental mechanisms that govern population change is a fundamental objective in ecology. Although the determination of how top-......

Light pollution enhances ground-level exposure to airborne toxic chemicals for nocturnally migrating passerines

期刊: GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 2023; 29 (1)

Anthropogenic activities generate different forms of environmental pollution, including artificial light at night (ALAN) and airborne toxic chemicals ......

Toward a forest biomass reference measurement system for remote sensing applications

期刊: GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 2023; 29 (3)

Forests contribute to climate change mitigation through carbon storage and uptake, but the extent to which this carbon pool varies in space and time i......

Carbon uptake in Eurasian boreal forests dominates the high-latitude net ecosystem carbon budget

期刊: GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 2023; 29 (7)

Arctic-boreal landscapes are experiencing profound warming, along with changes in ecosystem moisture status and disturbance from fire. This region is ......

Aridity-dependent sequence of water potentials for stomatal closure and hydraulic dysfunctions in woody plants

期刊: GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 2023; 29 (7)

The sequence of physiological events during drought strongly impacts plants' overall performance. Here, we synthesized the global data of stomatal and......

Evenness of soil organic carbon chemical components changes with tree species richness, composition and functional diversity across forests in China

期刊: GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 2023; 29 (10)

Higher tree species richness generally increases the storage of soil organic carbon (SOC). However, less attention is paid to the influence of varied ......

Mechanisms underpinning community stability along a latitudinal gradient: Insights from a niche-based approach

期刊: GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 2023; 29 (12)

At large scales, the mechanisms underpinning stability in natural communities may vary in importance due to changes in species composition, mean abund......

Evidence for density-dependent effects on body composition of a large omnivore in a changing Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

期刊: GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 2023; 29 (16)

Understanding the density-dependent processes that drive population demography in a changing world is critical in ecology, yet measuring performance-d......

Giant pandas are losing their edge: Population trend and distribution dynamic drivers of the giant panda

期刊: GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 2023; 29 (16)

Comprehending the population trend and understanding the distribution range dynamics of species are necessary for global species protection. Recognizi......

Increased sea ice melt as a driver of enhanced Arctic phytoplankton blooming


Phytoplankton primary production in the Arctic Ocean has been increasing over the last two decades. In 2019, a record spring bloom occurred in Fram St......

Long-term forecast of thermal mortality with climate warming in riverine amphipods


Forecasting long-term consequences of global warming requires knowledge on thermal mortality and how heat stress interacts with other environmental st......

Industrial fisheries have reversed the carbon sequestration by tuna carcasses into emissions


To limit climate warming to 2 degrees C above preindustrial levels, most economic sectors will need a rapid transformation toward a net zero emission ......

Individual and interactive effects of warming and nitrogen supply on CO2 fluxes and carbon allocation in subarctic grassland

期刊: GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 2023; 29 (18)

Climate warming has been suggested to impact high latitude grasslands severely, potentially causing considerable carbon (C) losses from soil. Warming ......

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