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Unwanted Advice? Frequency, Characteristics, And Outcomes Of Negative Advisory Committee Votes For FDA-Approved Drugs

期刊: HEALTH AFFAIRS, 2022; 41 (5)

Substantial controversy arose in 2021 when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the Alzheimer's disease drug aducanumab (Aduhelm) under its......


The Diabetes Prevention Gap And Opportunities To Increase Participation In Effective Interventions

期刊: HEALTH AFFAIRS, 2022; 41 (7)

To understand the current state of prediabetes burden and treatment in the US, we examined recent trends in prediabetes prevalence, testing, and acces......


Transgender Adults Have Higher Rates Of Disability Than Their Cisgender Counterparts

期刊: HEALTH AFFAIRS, 2022; 41 (10)

In the US population, the burden of disability among transgender adults compared with their cisgender peers is largely unknown. This study used seven ......


Policy Evaluation Of The Affordable Care Act Graduate Nurse Education Demonstration

期刊: HEALTH AFFAIRS, 2022; 41 (1)

The US is experiencing a shortage of primary care providers, which could be reduced by the addition of nurse practitioners. However, the ability to in......


Reductions In Hospitalizations Among Children Referred To A Primary Care-Based Medical-Legal Partnership

期刊: HEALTH AFFAIRS, 2022; 41 (3)

Medical-legal partnerships integrate legal advocates into health care settings to address health-related social needs. However, their effect on health......


Race, Place, And Structural Racism: A Review Of Health And History In Washington, DC

期刊: HEALTH AFFAIRS, 2022; 41 (2)

Recent events have amplified the debilitating effects of systemic racism on the health of the United States. In an effort to improve population health......


The Problem Of The Color Line: Spatial Access To Hospital Services For Minoritized Racial And Ethnic Groups

期刊: HEALTH AFFAIRS, 2022; 41 (2)

Examining how spatial access to health care varies across geography is key to documenting structural inequalities in the United States. In this articl......


Three-Year Impact Of Stratification In The Medicare Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program

期刊: HEALTH AFFAIRS, 2022; 41 (3)

The Medicare Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program (HRRP) financially penalizes hospitals with high readmission rates. In fiscal year 2019 the progr......


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