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Maturation of a postsynaptic domain: Role of small Rho GTPases in organising nicotinic acetylcholine receptor aggregates at the vertebrate neuromuscular junction

期刊: JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, 2022; 241 (5)

The neuromuscular junction (NMJ) is the peripheral synapse formed between a motor axon and a skeletal muscle fibre that allows muscle contraction and ......


Osteohistology of the hyperelongate hemispinous processes of Amargasaurus cazaui (Dinosauria: Sauropoda): Implications for soft tissue reconstruction and functional significance

期刊: JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, 2022; 240 (6)

Dicraeosaurid sauropods are iconically characterized by the presence of elongate hemispinous processes in presacral vertebrae. These hemispinous proce......


The venous system of E14.5 mouse embryos-reference data and examples for diagnosing malformations in embryos with gene deletions

期刊: JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, 2022; 240 (1)

Approximately one-third of randomly produced knockout mouse lines produce homozygous offspring, which fail to survive the perinatal period. The majori......


Medial gastrocnemius growth in children who are typically developing: Can changes in muscle volume and length be accurately predicted from age?

期刊: JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, 2022; 240 (5)

Muscle size is an important determinant of muscular fitness and health, and so it is important to have accurate estimates of actual muscle growth in c......


Muscular anatomy of the forelimb of tiger (Panthera tigris)

期刊: JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, 2022; 241 (1)

Dissection reports of large cats (family Felidae) have been published since the late 19th century. These reports generally describe the findings in wo......


Differential immunostaining patterns of transient receptor potential (TRP) ion channels in the rat nodose ganglion

期刊: JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, 2022; 241 (2)

Vagal afferents regulate numerous physiological functions including arterial blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, and nociception. Cell bodies of va......


Postcranial skeletal pneumaticity in non-aquatic neoavians: Insights from accipitrimorphae

期刊: JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, 2022; 241 (6)

Postcranial skeletal pneumaticity, air-filled bones of the trunk and limbs, is exclusive to birds among extant tetrapods and exhibits significant vari......


Diphyodont tooth replacement of Brasilodon-A Late Triassic eucynodont that challenges the time of origin of mammals

期刊: JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, 2022; 241 (6)

Two sets of teeth (diphyodonty) characterise extant mammals but not reptiles, as they generate many replacement sets (polyphyodonty). The transition i......


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