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Combined effects of elevated rearing temperature and dietary energy level on heart morphology and growth performance of Tasmanian Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)

期刊: JOURNAL OF FISH DISEASES, 2022; 45 (2)

Cardiac abnormalities may pose a threat to salmonid aquaculture due to their potential detrimental effect on fish health and welfare. The teleost hear......


Susceptibility of a cell line derived from the kidney of Chinese rice-field eel, Monopterus albus to the infection of rhabdovirus, CrERV

期刊: JOURNAL OF FISH DISEASES, 2022; 45 (2)

Chinese rice-field eels rhabdovirus (CrERV), belonging to the genus Perhabdovirus in the family Rhabdoviridae, is the causative agent of the haemorrha......


Piscine mycobacteriosis in the ornamental fish trade in Trinidad and Tobago

期刊: JOURNAL OF FISH DISEASES, 2022; 45 (4)

The freshwater ornamental fish trade represents a major contributor to the livelihoods of many producers in Trinidad and Tobago, with stocks destined ......


Nervous necrosis virus viability modulation by water salinity and temperature

期刊: JOURNAL OF FISH DISEASES, 2022; 45 (4)

Nervous necrosis virus (NNV) is a hazardous aquatic pathogen, distributed worldwide and in a wide range of temperatures. Viral persistence in water ha......


Persistence of Tilapia tilapinevirus in fish rearing and environmental water and its ability to infect cell line

期刊: JOURNAL OF FISH DISEASES, 2022; 45 (5)

Tilapia tilapinevirus, or Tilapia Lake Virus (TiLV), is a RNA virus associated with mass morbidity and mortality in tilapia, leading to severe economi......


Non-lethal sampling for the detection of Renibacterium salmoninarum by qPCR for diagnosis of bacterial kidney dsisease

期刊: JOURNAL OF FISH DISEASES, 2022; 45 (6)

Bacterial kidney disease (BKD), caused by Renibacterium salmoninarum (Rs), can be transmitted both horizontally and vertically and there is no availab......


Establishment of an astrocyte-like cell line from the brain of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) for virus pathogenesis and a vitro model of the blood-brain barrier

期刊: JOURNAL OF FISH DISEASES, 2022; 45 (10)

A new cell line was established from the brain of a cultured fish, tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), designated as TA-02 (Tilapia Astrocyte clone 02 ce......


Evaluation of Edwardsiella piscicida basS and basR mutants as vaccine candidates in catfish against edwardsiellosis

期刊: JOURNAL OF FISH DISEASES, 2022; 45 (12)

Catfish farming is the largest aquaculture industry in the United States and an important economic driver in several southeastern states. Edwardsiella......


Virus infections of the European Eel in North Rhine Westphalian rivers

期刊: JOURNAL OF FISH DISEASES, 2022; 45 (1)

Viral infections have been suggested to play a role in the decline of the panmictic population of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla). However, despi......


Biotyping reveals loss of motility in two distinct Yersinia ruckeri lineages exclusive to Norwegian aquaculture

期刊: JOURNAL OF FISH DISEASES, 2022; 45 (5)

Non-motile strains of Yersinia ruckeri, known as Y. ruckeri biotype 2, now dominate amongst clinical isolates retrieved from rainbow trout internation......


Development of duplex qPCR targeting Carnobacterium maltaromaticum and Vagococcus salmoninarum

期刊: JOURNAL OF FISH DISEASES, 2022; 45 (5)

In November 2018, Vagococcus salmoninarum was identified as the causative agent of a chronic coldwater streptococcosis epizootic in broodstock brook t......


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