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Measuring human context fear conditioning and retention after consolidation

期刊: LEARNING & MEMORY, 2023; 30 (7)

Fear conditioning is a laboratory paradigm commonly used to investigate aversive learning and memory. In context fear conditioning, a configuration of......

Serial reversal learning in an olfactory discrimination task in 3xTg-AD mice

期刊: LEARNING & MEMORY, 2023; 30 (12)

Male and female 3xTg-AD mice between 5 and 24 mo of age and their B6129F2/J wild-type controls were tested on a series of 18 olfactory discrimination ......

Sleep strengthens resting-state functional communication between brain areas involved in the consolidation of problem-solving skills

期刊: LEARNING & MEMORY, 2023; 30 (1)

Sleep consolidates procedural memory for motor skills, and this process is associated with strengthened functional connectivity in hippocampal-striata......

Sleep consolidates stimulus-response learning

期刊: LEARNING & MEMORY, 2023; 30 (9)

Performing a motor response to a sensory stimulus creates a memory trace whose behavioral correlates are classically investigated in terms of repetiti......

State-dependent memory retrieval: insights from neural dynamics and behavioral perspectives

期刊: LEARNING & MEMORY, 2023; 30 (12)

Memory retrieval is strikingly susceptible to external states (environment) and internal states (mood states and alcohol), yet we know little about th......

Cue predictiveness and uncertainty determine cue representation during visual statistical learning

期刊: LEARNING & MEMORY, 2023; 30 (11)

This study investigated how humans process probabilistic-associated information when encountering varying levels of uncertainty during implicit visual......

Targeted memory reactivation during slow-wave sleep vs. sleep stage N2: no significant differences in a vocabulary task

期刊: LEARNING & MEMORY, 2023; 30 (9)

Sleep supports memory consolidation, and slow-wave sleep (SWS) in particular is assumed to benefit the consolidation of verbal learning material. Re-e......

Sleep-related benefits to transitive inference are modulated by encoding strength and joint rank

期刊: LEARNING & MEMORY, 2023; 30 (9)

Transitive inference is a measure of relational learning that has been shown to improve across sleep. Here, we examine this phenomenon further by stud......

On the participation of adenosinergic receptors in the reconsolidation of spatial long-term memory in male rats

期刊: LEARNING & MEMORY, 2023; 30 (10)

To date, there is insufficient evidence to explain the role of adenosinergic receptors in the reconsolidation of long-term spatial memory. In this wor......

Sleep spindles and slow waves are physiological markers for age-related changes in gray matter in brain regions supporting problem-solving skills

期刊: LEARNING & MEMORY, 2023; 30 (1)

As we age, the added benefit of sleep for memory consolidation is lost. One of the hallmark age-related changes in sleep is the reduction of sleep spi......

Elevated corticosterone after fear learning impairs remote auditory memory retrieval and alters brain network connectivity

期刊: LEARNING & MEMORY, 2023; 30 (7)

Glucocorticoids are potent memory modulators that can modify behavior in an adaptive or maladaptive manner. Elevated glucocorticoid levels after learn......

Better late than never: sleep still supports memory consolidation after prolonged periods of wakefulness

期刊: LEARNING & MEMORY, 2023; 30 (9)

While the benefits of sleep for associative memory are well established, it is unclear whether single-item memories profit from overnight consolidatio......

An in vitro analog of learning that food is inedible in Aplysia: decreased responses to a transmitter signaling food after pairing with transmitters signaling failed swallowing

期刊: LEARNING & MEMORY, 2023; 30 (11)

An in vitro analog of learning that a food is inedible provided insight into mechanisms underlying the learning. Aplysia learn to stop responding to a......

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