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Ca' Granda, an avant-garde hospital between the Renaissance and Modern age: a unique scenario in European history

期刊: MEDICAL HISTORY, 2022; 66 (1)

The Ospedale Maggiore, known as Ca' Granda, was founded in 1456 by will of Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan, and was considered for almost five centuri......


Pain, medicine and the monitoring of war violence: the case of rifle bullets (1868-1918)

期刊: MEDICAL HISTORY, 2022; 66 (2)

The St Petersburg declaration, signed in 1868, is a milestone in the history of warfare and humanitarian law, as it prohibits the use of explosive bul......


Making the medical mask: surgery, bacteriology, and the control of infection (1870s-1920s)

期刊: MEDICAL HISTORY, 2022; 66 (2)

This article examines the introduction of the medical mask in the late nineteenth century at the intersection of surgery, bacteriology and infection c......


Total prevention: a history of schistosomiasis in Japan

期刊: MEDICAL HISTORY, 2022; 66 (2)

In Japan, schistosomiasis was endemic in Yamanashi Prefecture and a few other hotspot areas where the Miya'iri snail lived. The parasite's lifecycle r......


The South American medical communities in the genesis of the tropical medicine: construction and circulation of knowledge on American leishmaniasis in the beginning of the twentieth century

期刊: MEDICAL HISTORY, 2022; 66 (1)

This article aims to demonstrate how researchers from different South American countries took part in the process of globalisation of the tropical med......


Immigrant Irishwomen and maternity services in New York and Boston, 1860-1911

期刊: MEDICAL HISTORY, 2022; 66 (1)

Medical acculturation forms a crucial part of the process of migration, and equally, the influx of migrants can shape how medical structures develop i......


Mobilising through vaccination: the case of polio in France (1950-60s)

期刊: MEDICAL HISTORY, 2022; 66 (2)

Poliomyelitis is a disease whose incidence steadily increased during the second half of the twentieth century on both sides of the Atlantic. If in the......


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