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Enhanced transposable elements

期刊: NATURE REVIEWS CANCER, 2023; 23 (11)

Karttunen et al. identify the contribution of transposable elements to gene regulatory function in colorectal and liver cancer cell lines.

Synaptic activity promotes melanoma formation

期刊: NATURE REVIEWS CANCER, 2023; 23 (11)

In a recent study, Tagore et al. find that the formation of synapse-like structures that serve to transfer GABA between premalignant melanocytes and k......

Biology, vulnerabilities and clinical applications of circulating tumour cells

期刊: NATURE REVIEWS CANCER, 2023; 23 (2)

In recent years, exceptional technological advances have enabled the identification and interrogation of rare circulating tumour cells (CTCs) from blo......

Computing brain metastasis impact

期刊: NATURE REVIEWS CANCER, 2023; 23 (11)

In a recent study, Sanchez-Aguilera, Masmudi-Martin et al. find that a molecular program explains the cognitive impairment often seen in patients with......

Gut microbes produce novel genotoxic metabolites

期刊: NATURE REVIEWS CANCER, 2023; 23 (1)

In this study, Cao et al. identified previously undiscovered metabolites produced by human gut microbes that cause DNA damage, and analysed their impl......

Nutrient priming of the pre-metastatic niche

期刊: NATURE REVIEWS CANCER, 2023; 23 (4)

Altea-Manzano et al. find that factors secreted by primary breast tumours or high-fat diet feeding enriches the fatty acid palmitate in distant organs......

Visualizing intratumoural heterogeneity with EpicMIBI

期刊: NATURE REVIEWS CANCER, 2023; 23 (6)

In this Tools of the Trade article, Alexandros P. Drainas describes the development and use of EpicMIBI, a multiplexed imaging technology that enables......

The circ du RNA

期刊: NATURE REVIEWS CANCER, 2023; 23 (9)

In this study, Conn et al. functionally link circular RNA and DNA interactions with chromosomal translocation in leukaemogenesis.

When the tumour is at bay, the CD8+ T cells come out to play

期刊: NATURE REVIEWS CANCER, 2023; 23 (1)

Two recent studies have demonstrated how senescent cancer cells alter their cell surface proteome to induce anti-tumour immune responses, highlighting......

How to keep your neighbourhood safe

期刊: NATURE REVIEWS CANCER, 2023; 23 (1)

Schmitt et al. describe an adaptive mechanism employed by colorectal cancers to handle pro-apoptotic chemotherapeutic insults, which could represent a......

The neural addiction of cancer

期刊: NATURE REVIEWS CANCER, 2023; 23 (5)

The recently uncovered key role of the peripheral and central nervous systems in controlling tumorigenesis and metastasis has opened a new area of res......

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