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Cigarette smoking and adverse health outcomes in patients treated with maintenance dialysis

期刊: NEPHROLOGY, 2023; 28 (1)

Background The association of smoking with new-onset cardiovascular disease, chronic lung disease, malignancy and mortality in dialysis is well-known.......

Whole and cortical kidney volume predict 5-year post-nephrectomy eGFR in Indian living kidney donors

期刊: NEPHROLOGY, 2023; 28 (2)

AimTo study the additional utility of pre-nephrectomy whole and cortical kidney volumes (WKV, CKV) in predicting long-term post-nephrectomy kidney fun......

Risk factors for progression of chronic kidney disease: An investigation in prepubertal children

期刊: NEPHROLOGY, 2023; 28 (5)

AimPrevious studies on progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in children have included older post-pubertal subjects. This study attempted to eva......

Renal agenesis: A meta-analysis of its prevalence and clinical characteristics based on 15 641 184 patients

期刊: NEPHROLOGY, 2023; 28 (10)

Our objective was to analyse the newest relevant data on worldwide prevalence and associated symptoms of renal agenesis (RA). This meta-analysis build......

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