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Maintaining a comprehensive provision of inpatient child and adolescent mental health services in the years to come-a German perspective

期刊: NEUROPSYCHIATRIE, 2023; 37 (1)

Background A considerable number of child and adolescent psychiatry inpatient units in Germany suffer from a significant shortage of doctors, which en......

Richard Semon (1859-1918): expeditions, engrams and epigenetics

期刊: NEUROPSYCHIATRIE, 2023; 37 (3)

Richard Semon (1859-1918) was a student of Ernst Haeckel and began his career as a zoologist with work on sea urchins, starfish, chicken and lung fish......

Safety aspects during treatment with clozapine. Monitoring and rechallenge - a narrative review

期刊: NEUROPSYCHIATRIE, 2023; 37 (3)

Background Due to its unique efficacy in treatment-resistant schizophrenia, discontinuation of treatment with clozapine is frequently associated with ......

Mental health rehabilitation for children and adolescents in Austria

期刊: NEUROPSYCHIATRIE, 2023; 37 (1)

BackgroundMental health rehabilitation for children and adolescents was implemented in Austria from 2018 onwards based on a rehabilitation plan from 2......

Associations of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder with inflammatory diseases. Results from the nationwide German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS)


BackgroundDespite conflicting data, some studies have suggested a pathophysiological relationship between inflammation and attention-deficit/hyperacti......

Pilot study of facial and bodily feedback

期刊: NEUROPSYCHIATRIE, 2023; 37 (2)

Background The modulation hypothesis of facial feedback has not adequately examined how combining facial expressions and bodily postures might influen......

Trait emotional intelligence and resilience: gender differences among university students


Background Previous studies have reported strong correlations of emotional intelligence (EI) with mental health and wellbeing; it is also a powerful p......

Interaction of somatic findings and psychiatric symptoms in COVID-19. A scoping review


Eine Infektion mit SARS-CoV-2 kann zu einer Beteiligung des Nervensystems mit neurologischer oder psychiatrischer Symptomatik fuhren. Entzundungsvorga......

Child and adolescent psychiatric and therapeutic treatment needs in care settings in the Lower Austrian industrial district. A survey of the demand situation

期刊: NEUROPSYCHIATRIE, 2023; 37 (1)

An increasing need for child and adolescent psychiatric care is clearly observed in recent years. The present study deals with 20 child and youth care......

The nature and nurture of resilience-reactions of trizygotic triplet minors to their father's death

期刊: NEUROPSYCHIATRIE, 2023; 37 (3)

Background Parental bereavement during childhood is associated with an elevated risk for the development of psychiatric problems. This paper seeks to ......

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