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Evaluation of the effects of dietary advanced glycation end products on inflammation


Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are a large number of heterogeneous compounds formed by the glycation of proteins, fats or nucleic acids. Endog......

How do we differentiate not demonise - Is there a role for healthier processed foods in an age of food insecurity? Proceedings of a roundtable event

期刊: NUTRITION BULLETIN, 2023; 48 (2)

The 'ultra-processed food' (UPF) concept, with classification of foods by 'level of processing' rather than nutrient profiles, and its relationship wi......

Dietary assessment of 101 para-athletes from team and individual sports

期刊: NUTRITION BULLETIN, 2023; 48 (2)

Assessing the usual food intake of para-athletes enables knowledge and description of nutrient intakes, providing insight into the potential nutrition......

Understanding nutrition students' knowledge, perceived barriers and their views on the future role of nutritionists regarding sustainable diets

期刊: NUTRITION BULLETIN, 2023; 48 (4)

Nutrition professionals are important stakeholders in sustainable food systems with skills to promote the connection between health, food production, ......

Effects of antioxidant supplementation on bone mineral density, bone mineral content and bone structure in healthy men during 60 days of 6° head-down tilt bed rest: Results from a randomised controlled trial

期刊: NUTRITION BULLETIN, 2023; 48 (2)

Dietary countermeasures to mitigate detrimental spaceflight-induced effects on bone health would alleviate the requirements and the consequences impos......

'Raising the Pulse': The environmental, nutritional and health benefits of pulse-enhanced foods

期刊: NUTRITION BULLETIN, 2023; 48 (1)

Diet is a key modulator of non-communicable diseases, and food production represents a major cause of environmental degradation and greenhouse gas emi......

A critical review of children's culinary nutrition interventions, the methodologies used and their impact on dietary, psychosocial and wellbeing outcomes

期刊: NUTRITION BULLETIN, 2023; 48 (1)

Diet quality has been associated with numerous health outcomes, resulting in nutrition education to improve children's diet quality. Culinary nutritio......

The role of diet in managing menopausal symptoms: A narrative review

期刊: NUTRITION BULLETIN, 2023; 48 (1)

Menopause is a natural stage that occurs when women stop menstruating, during which many women experience physical and psychological symptoms that can......

CD36 genetic polymorphism and salivary cues are associated with oleic acid sensitivity and dietary fat intake

期刊: NUTRITION BULLETIN, 2023; 48 (3)

There is a lack of research on the combined effects of genetic variations (specifically CD36 SNPs-rs1761667 and rs1527483), dietary food habits (veget......

No food for thought-How important is breakfast to the health, educational attainment and wellbeing of school-aged children and young people?

期刊: NUTRITION BULLETIN, 2023; 48 (4)

There have been reports from teachers of pupils in the United Kingdom arriving at school hungry. Poor nutritional intake during childhood can increase......

Ultra-processed food consumption in Argentina according to income level and its association with the intake of healthy foods

期刊: NUTRITION BULLETIN, 2023; 48 (3)

Ultra-processed foods (UPFs) are associated with unhealthy diets and chronic diseases. Hence, knowing the consumption pattern of UPFs in the general p......

Cooking and food skills confidence of team sport athletes in Ireland

期刊: NUTRITION BULLETIN, 2023; 48 (3)

Nutritional support often focuses on cooking and food skills such as food selection, recipe planning and meal preparation. Individuals with greater co......

Evaluation of the deficiency status of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and associated factors in Southwest China: A hospital-based retrospective cross-sectional analysis of a low-latitude, high-altitude, multiracial region

期刊: NUTRITION BULLETIN, 2023; 48 (4)

Vitamin D deficiency is widespread in different populations and regions worldwide and has become a global health issue. The vitamin D status of the po......

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