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Organ-specific immune profiling of Leishmania donovani-infected hamsters

期刊: PARASITE IMMUNOLOGY, 2023; 45 (3)

Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a neglected disease with a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations and involvement of visceral organs. Organ-specific......

Dot-ELISA based on recombinant Hypodermin C of Przhevalskiana silenus for field diagnosis of goat warble fly infestation

期刊: PARASITE IMMUNOLOGY, 2023; 45 (10)

Goat warble fly infestation (GWFI) is an economically important myiasis caused by larvae of Przhevalskiana silenus (Diptera, Oestridae), prevalent in ......

A multimodality therapeutic application on Toxoplasma gondii encephalitis utilizing Spiramycin and 'de novo' Ferula asafetida in immunodeficient mice

期刊: PARASITE IMMUNOLOGY, 2023; 45 (12)

This study investigated a 'de Novo' medicinal herb, Ferula asafetida (FA), against toxoplasma encephalitis either alone or combined with spiramycin (S......

COVID-19 associated mucormycosis surge: A review on multi-pathway mechanisms


Mucormycosis is a fungal infection caused by moulds from the Mucorales order. Concerns have been mounting due to the alarming increase in severe morbi......

C-type lectin receptors in antifungal immunity: Current knowledge and future developments

期刊: PARASITE IMMUNOLOGY, 2023; 45 (2)

C-type lectin receptors (CLRs) constitute a category of innate immune receptors that play an essential role in the antifungal immune response. For ove......

Emerging and re-emerging fungal threats in Africa

期刊: PARASITE IMMUNOLOGY, 2023; 45 (2)

The emergence of deadly fungal infections in Africa is primarily driven by a disproportionately high burden of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infe......

Unfolded protein response pathway in leishmaniasis: A review

期刊: PARASITE IMMUNOLOGY, 2023; 45 (11)

Alteration in the physiological state of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) leads to the specific response known as unfolded protein response (UPR) or ER ......

Diet-microbiota crosstalk and immunity to helminth infection

期刊: PARASITE IMMUNOLOGY, 2023; 45 (4)

Helminths are large multicellular parasites responsible for widespread chronic disease in humans and animals. Intestinal helminths live in close proxi......

Chemokine receptors on human regulatory T cells during cutaneous leishmaniasis

期刊: PARASITE IMMUNOLOGY, 2023; 45 (3)

The aim of this work was to define the population of regulatory T cells (Tregs) which are circulating in the blood of Leishmania infected individuals ......

Role of antigen-presenting cells in non-ulcerated skin lesions caused by Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi

期刊: PARASITE IMMUNOLOGY, 2023; 45 (3)

In Central America, infection by Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi causes visceral leishmaniasis and non-ulcerated cutaneous leishmaniasis (NUC......

Immunological interactions in helminths-SARS CoV-2 coinfection: Could old enemy be a friend today?

期刊: PARASITE IMMUNOLOGY, 2023; 45 (5)

Helminths are metazoan parasites affecting about one third of the worldwide population. Chronic helminth infections (CHIs) confer immunological tolera......

Fungal resilience and host-pathogen interactions: Future perspectives and opportunities

期刊: PARASITE IMMUNOLOGY, 2023; 45 (2)

We are constantly exposed to the threat of fungal infection. The outcome-clearance, commensalism or infection-depends largely on the ability of our in......

Biomarkers for the diagnosis, treatment follow-up, and prediction of cardiac complications in Chagas disease in chronic phase: Recent advances

期刊: PARASITE IMMUNOLOGY, 2023; 45 (12)

Chagas disease is caused by the Trypanosoma cruzi parasite and is transmitted by infected triatomine bugs. This infection affects approximately 8 mill......

The role of the host gut microbiome in the pathophysiology of schistosomiasis

期刊: PARASITE IMMUNOLOGY, 2023; 45 (4)

The pathophysiology of schistosomiasis is linked to the formation of fibrous granulomas around eggs that become trapped in host tissues, particularly ......

Development of a novel immunoFET technology-based POC assay for detection of Leishmania donovani and Leishmania major

期刊: PARASITE IMMUNOLOGY, 2023; 45 (7)

Leishmaniasis is considered as one of the 20 neglected tropical diseases. Current methods of leishmanial diagnosis depend on conventional laboratory-b......

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