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Assessing Adolescent Vaping Norms and Perceptions in a Statewide Multi-Community Project

期刊: SUBSTANCE USE & MISUSE, 2023; 58 (3)

Background: Adolescent e-cigarette use has increased dramatically in recent years and is quickly becoming a serious public health issue. While studies......

High on Hookah: Smoking Marijuana from a Hookah among Adults in the United States, Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study, 2015-2019

期刊: SUBSTANCE USE & MISUSE, 2023; 58 (5)

Background: This study aimed to examine the trend and factors associated with smoking marijuana from a hookah device among US adults. Methods: Data we......

Alcohol Use Severity, Anger and Drinking Motives among Firefighters

期刊: SUBSTANCE USE & MISUSE, 2023; 58 (5)

Background: Firefighters represent an understudied population with high rates of hazardous alcohol use and alcohol use disorder. This population is al......

Pre-Loading with Drugs before Entering the Nighttime Entertainment District: A Scoping Review

期刊: SUBSTANCE USE & MISUSE, 2023; 58 (10)

Background: Nighttime entertainment districts attract many people who pre-load with alcohol and other substances before entering licensed venues. Desp......

Homelessness and Gender: Differences in Characteristics and Comorbidity of Substance Use Disorders at Admission to Services

期刊: SUBSTANCE USE & MISUSE, 2023; 58 (1)

Background: Substance use disorders and homelessness are two closely related behavioral health issues. This study examines associations between homele......

How Age and E-cigarette Use Status Interact to Influence E-cigarette Ad Perceptions

期刊: SUBSTANCE USE & MISUSE, 2023; 58 (2)

Background: The prevalence of e-cigarette use among young people remains high. Young people are susceptible to e-cigarette advertising, although poten......

Negative Life Events, Protective Factors, and Substance-Related Problems: A Study of Resilience in Adolescence

期刊: SUBSTANCE USE & MISUSE, 2023; 58 (4)

BackgroundThere is compelling evidence for an association between negative life events (NLE) and substance-related problems (SRP) during adolescence. ......

The role of gender and veteran status in healthcare access among a national sample of US adults with unhealthy alcohol use

期刊: SUBSTANCE USE & MISUSE, 2023; 58 (4)

Background: Routine healthcare access is critical to reduce drinking and its effects, yet little is known about Veteran and gender differences in rout......

The Impact of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Ethnic Discrimination, and Nativity on Nicotine Dependence among Female Hispanic Survivors of Physical Intimate Partner Violence

期刊: SUBSTANCE USE & MISUSE, 2023; 58 (5)

Background: Nicotine dependence (ND) is an understudied public health problem among Hispanic women experiencing physical intimate partner violence (PI......

The Influence of E-cigarette Warning Labels on Youths' Use Intentions - A Mediation Analysis of Role of Perceived Harm

期刊: SUBSTANCE USE & MISUSE, 2023; 58 (5)

Background: Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) were introduced to the United States marketplace in 2007 and had dominated all other tobacco products......

Social Network Influences on Adolescent E-cigarette Use

期刊: SUBSTANCE USE & MISUSE, 2023; 58 (6)

Background: Determine if individual adolescent vaping is associated with the vaping behavior of their school-based friendships; whether that associati......

E-Cigarette Use among Sexual Minoritized Women and Nonbinary People Assigned Female at Birth: Assessing the Roles of Discrimination, Perceived Stress, and Social Support

期刊: SUBSTANCE USE & MISUSE, 2023; 58 (9)

Background: Young adult sexual minoritized women (SMW) are at disproportionate risk for e-cigarette use, which may in part be due to excess minority s......

Association of Vaping Identity and e-Cigarette Perceptions among Young Adults Who Vape

期刊: SUBSTANCE USE & MISUSE, 2023; 58 (11)

Background: In the U.S., 9.3% of young adults currently vape. However, little is known about how vaping identity (i.e., internalizing vaping as an imp......

Parent Alcohol Use and Problems in Children's Alcohol-Related Learning and Subsequent Alcohol Use

期刊: SUBSTANCE USE & MISUSE, 2023; 58 (14)

Background: Alcohol cognitions can emerge early in life and have lasting associations with alcohol use behavior. Observational learning theories sugge......

#Cheers: An Examination of User-Generated Alcohol Advertising on Instagram

期刊: SUBSTANCE USE & MISUSE, 2023; 58 (2)

Background: Alcohol marketing is a known risk factor for youth drinking. The growth in digital marketing has generated a new form of alcohol advertise......

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