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External validation of a clinical decision rule: we need events in a population in order to rule them out!

期刊: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma Resuscitation & Emergency Medicine, 2017; 25 ( )

We respond to the Lorton et al. article on external validation of the PECARN study. With an event rate of only 0.6%, we believe that their study faile......


Prehospital intravenous fentanyl to patients with hip fracture: an observational cohort study of risk factors for analgesic non-treatment

期刊: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma Resuscitation & Emergency Medicine, 2017; 25 ( )

Background: Patients with proximal femoral neck fracture have a high short-term mortality, a high risk of postoperative complications, and impaired qu......


Development of a novel information and communication technology system to compensate for a sudden shortage of emergency department physicians

期刊: Scandinavian Journal of Trauma Resuscitation & Emergency Medicine, 2017; 25 ( )

Background: A sudden shortage of physician resources due to overwhelming patient needs can affect the quality of care in the emergency department (ED)......


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