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Non-canonical mTORC1 signaling at the lysosome

期刊: TRENDS IN CELL BIOLOGY, 2022; 32 (11)

Themechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) signaling hub integrates multiple environmental cues to modulate cell growth and metabolism. Ove......


Epigenome rewiring in human pluripotent stem cells

期刊: TRENDS IN CELL BIOLOGY, 2022; 32 (3)

The epigenome plays a crucial role in modulating the activity of regulatory elements, thereby orchestrating diverse transcriptional programs during em......


Nucleation, stabilization, and disassembly of branched actin networks

期刊: TRENDS IN CELL BIOLOGY, 2022; 32 (5)

Arp2/3 complex is an actin filament nucleation and branching machinery conserved in all eukaryotes from yeast to human. Arp2/3 complex branched networ......


A stable start: cotranslational Nt-acetylation promotes proteome stability across kingdoms

期刊: TRENDS IN CELL BIOLOGY, 2022; 32 (5)

Two recent studies show that cotranslational N-terminal protein acetylation (NTA) promotes proteome stability in humans (Mueller et al.) and plants (L......


SAi: an experimental incubator for informal science learning initiatives

期刊: TRENDS IN CELL BIOLOGY, 2022; 32 (7)

Informal STEM learning (ISL) programs propel the connections between science and society. The STEM Advocacy Institute (SAi) is an experimental incubat......


Creating inclusive environments in cell biology by casual mentoring

期刊: TRENDS IN CELL BIOLOGY, 2022; 32 (9)

Informal mentoring affects the development of cell biologists by providing essential career, scientific, and educational guidance to mentees. In this ......


Role of N7-methylguanosine (m(7)G) in cancer

期刊: TRENDS IN CELL BIOLOGY, 2022; 32 (10)

N7-methylguanosine (m(7)G) is a significant RNA modification occurring during epigenetic regulation. An increasing number of investigations have prove......


A CRISPR view on autophagy

期刊: TRENDS IN CELL BIOLOGY, 2022; 32 (12)

Autophagy is a fundamental pathway for the degradation of cytoplasmic content in response to pleiotropic extracellular and intracellular stimuli. Rece......


Cell cycle on the crossroad of tumorigenesis and cancer therapy

期刊: TRENDS IN CELL BIOLOGY, 2022; 32 (1)

Aberrancy in cell cycle progression is one of the fundamental mechanisms underlying tumorigenesis, making regulators of the cell cycle machinery ratio......


The dark proteome: translation from noncanonical open reading frames

期刊: TRENDS IN CELL BIOLOGY, 2022; 32 (3)

Omics-based technologies have revolutionized our understanding of the coding potential of the genome. In particular, these studies revealed widespread......


The amoeboid state as part of the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition programme

期刊: TRENDS IN CELL BIOLOGY, 2022; 32 (3)

Cell migration is essential for many biological processes, while abnormal cell migration is characteristic of cancer cells. Epithelial cells become mo......


Protein kinase C lambda/iota in cancer: a contextual balance of time and signals

期刊: TRENDS IN CELL BIOLOGY, 2022; 32 (12)

Nononcogenic cancer drivers often impinge on complex signals that create new addictions and vulnerabilities. Protein kinase CI,/iota PKCI,/iota suppre......


Review Human embryonic development: from peri-implantation to gastrulation

期刊: TRENDS IN CELL BIOLOGY, 2022; 32 (1)

The basic body plan of the mammalian embryo is established through gastrulation, a pivotal early postimplantation event during which the three major g......


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