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The role of arthroscopy in diagnostics and treatment of arthritis of the ankle joint

期刊: UNFALLCHIRURG, 2022; 125 (3)

The arthroscopic treatment of arthritis of the ankle joint is very limited and is only indicated for early stages of arthritis with impingement, stric......


Interventional sonography

期刊: UNFALLCHIRURG, 2022; 125 (2)

Interventional sonography describes the step from pure sonographic imaging diagnostics to sonographically controlled treatment that can be connected d......


Blast injuries part 2 Principles of medical treatment

期刊: UNFALLCHIRURG, 2022; 125 (3)

Explosions can cause severe injuries, which affect multiple organ systems and leave extensive soft tissue defects. In unstable patients, damage contro......


Pipkin fractures

期刊: UNFALLCHIRURG, 2022; 125 (4)

Femoral head fractures a very rare emergency situation and occur in 4-17% of hip joint dislocations. Of femoral head dislocation fractures 3.7% occur ......


Telemedicine in the emergency room-An extension with potential? Results of a recent survey

期刊: UNFALLCHIRURG, 2022; 125 (3)

Critically injured patients pose great challenges for medical personnel in emergency room treatment. How can such a high workload due to a lack of per......


Conservative treatment options for arthritis of the ankle What is possible, what is effective?

期刊: UNFALLCHIRURG, 2022; 125 (3)

In this article the causes of arthritis in the region of the ankle are introduced and the conservative treatment options are described and discussed m......


125th issue of Der Unfallchirurg and 100 years of the German Society for Trauma Surgery (1922-2022)-A mutual history

期刊: UNFALLCHIRURG, 2022; 125 (1)

The journal Der Unfallchirurg and the German Society for Trauma Surgery (DGU) are connected by a colorful story, which reaches a climax in a mutual an......


Accident-related and workplace-related vascular disorders of the hand

期刊: UNFALLCHIRURG, 2022; 125 (4)

Background Limited hand function as the result of occupational exposure or accidental injury could primarily be of vascular origin. Since it is quite ......


New assessment recommendations for disability in private accident insurance, part 1 An interdisciplinary consented approach-Basics

期刊: UNFALLCHIRURG, 2022; 125 (5)

The centerpiece of a private accident insurer is the benefit promise in cases of disability, which must be determined by a doctor in due time. The ins......


Bifid median nerve as a coincidental finding in traumatology Case report and review of the literature

期刊: UNFALLCHIRURG, 2022; 125 (5)

The median nerve is an important sensory and motor nerve of the arm and is not infrequently associated with diagnostic and therapeutic misjudgements. ......


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