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Denise Elizabeth Allsop

期刊: VETERINARY RECORD, 2023; 193 (2)

A wonderful soul who had time and care for everyone and every animal she met.

Alastair Robert Wilson Porter

期刊: VETERINARY RECORD, 2023; 193 (5)

As registrar of the RCVS for 25 years, he saw many changes to the veterinary profession.

Saville Nicholas Clayton

期刊: VETERINARY RECORD, 2023; 192 (2)

A loquacious man, he was enthusiastic about any subject and activity in which he was involved.

Age estimation of puppies based on the radiographically assessed development of ossification centres in the carpal and metacarpal regions

期刊: VETERINARY RECORD, 2023; 192 (9)

BackgroundThe need for proper age determination in puppies has increased enormously due to the growing illegal trade in puppies that are too young to ......

The human connection

期刊: VETERINARY RECORD, 2023; 192 (4)

For Roeland Wessels, being a successful and happy vet involves mastering one species in which little training is provided. Claire Read reports.

John Tyson (Ian) Gemmell OBITUARIES

期刊: VETERINARY RECORD, 2023; 192 (3)

A vet who had a way with animals and the ability to say just the right thing.

Depopulating poultry and pig farms: can it be done humanely?

期刊: VETERINARY RECORD, 2023; 192 (4)

In recent months campaigners in the USA have expressed outrage at heatstroke-based methods being used to depopulate some American poultry and pig farm......

Antimicrobial resistance of endometrial bacterial isolates collected from UK Thoroughbred mares between 2014 and 2020

期刊: VETERINARY RECORD, 2023; 192 (5)

BackgroundAntimicrobial resistance (AMR) is important in equine reproduction, as antimicrobials have historically been widely used in the management o......

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