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Entropy, Shannon orbit equivalence, and sparse connectivity

期刊: MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN, 2021; 380 (3-4)

We say that two free p.m.p. actions of countable groups are Shannon orbit equivalent if there is an orbit equivalence between them whose associated co......

An improved result for Falconer's distance set problem in even dimensions

期刊: MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN, 2021; 380 (3-4)

We show that if compact set E subset of R-d has Hausdorff dimension larger than d/2 + 1/4, where d >= 4 is an even integer, then the distance set o......

Heat kernels on forms defined on a subgraph of a complete graph

期刊: MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN, 2021; 380 (3-4)

We study the heat kernel expansion of the Laplacian on n-forms defined on a subgraph of a directed complete graph. We derive two expressions for the s......

Lefschetz theorem for holomorphic one-forms on weakly 1-complete manifolds


For a holomorphic one-form xi on a weakly 1-complete manifold X with certain properties, we will discuss the connectivity of the pair ((X) over cap, F......

Plemelj projections in discrete quaternionic analysis


The discrete quaternionic analysis has been placed recently in the same framework as its continuous counterpart. To discover more similarities, we stu......

A Liouville theorem for Axi-symmetric Navier-Stokes equations on R-2 x T-1


We establish a Liouville theorem for bounded mild ancient solutions to the axi-symmetric incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on (-infinity, 0]x(R-2......

Complex geodesics and complex Monge-Ampere equations with boundary singularity


We study complex geodesics and complex Monge-Ampere equations on bounded strongly linearly convex domains in C-n. More specifically, we prove the uniq......

Flags and orbits of connected reductive groups over local rings

期刊: MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN, 2020; 376 (3-4)

We prove that generic higher Deligne-Lusztig representations over truncated formal power series are non-nilpotent, when the parameters are non-trivial......

On cyclic Higgs bundles

期刊: MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN, 2020; 376 (3-4)

In this paper, we derive a maximum principle for a type of elliptic systems and apply it to analyze the Hitchin equation for cyclic Higgs bundles. We ......

Fractal uncertainty principle with explicit exponent

期刊: MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN, 2020; 376 (3-4)

We prove an explicit formula for the dependence of the exponent beta\ in the fractal uncertainty principle of Bourgain-Dyatlov (Ann Math 187:1-43, 201......

Genericity of contracting elements in groups

期刊: MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN, 2020; 376 (3-4)

We establish that, for statistically convex-cocompact actions, contracting elements are exponentially generic in counting measure. We obtain as coroll......

A geometric realisation of tempered representations restricted to maximal compact subgroups

期刊: MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN, 2020; 378 (1-2)

Let G be a connected, linear, real reductive Lie group with compact centre. Let K < G be maximal compact. For a tempered representation p of G, we ......

Rigidity of kappa-noncollapsed steady Kahler-Ricci solitons

期刊: MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN, 2020; 377 (1-2)

In this paper, we show that any n-dimensional kappa-noncolla-psed steady (gradient) Kahler-Ricci soliton with nonnegative bisectional curvature must b......

Siu's lemma, optimal L-2 extension and applications to twisted pluricanonical sheaves

期刊: MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN, 2020; 377 (1-2)

We prove a general version of Siu's lemma for plurisubharmonic functions with nontrivial multiplier ideal sheaves and use it to prove an optimal L2 ex......

Sharp endpoint L-p estimates for Schrodinger groups

期刊: MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN, 2020; 378 (1-2)

Let L be a non-negative self-adjoint operator acting on L-2(X) where X is a space of homogeneous type with a dimension n. Suppose that the heat operat......

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