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Paired test of matrix graphs and brain connectivity analysis

期刊: BIOSTATISTICS, 2021; 22 (2)

Inferring brain connectivity network and quantifying the significance of interactions between brain regions are of paramount importance in neuroscienc......

On the individual surrogate paradox

期刊: BIOSTATISTICS, 2021; 22 (1)

When the primary outcome is difficult to collect, a surrogate endpoint is typically used as a substitute. It is possible that for every individual, th......

Estimating c-level partial correlation graphs with application to brain imaging

期刊: BIOSTATISTICS, 2020; 21 (4)

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a chronic neurodegenerative disease that changes the functional connectivity of the brain. The alteration of the strong co......

Multivariate generalized linear model for genetic pleiotropy

期刊: BIOSTATISTICS, 2019; 20 (1)

When a single gene influences more than one trait, known as pleiotropy, it is important to detect pleiotropy to improve the biological understanding o......


Multivariate-t nonlinear mixed models with application to censored multi-outcome AIDS studies

期刊: BIOSTATISTICS, 2017; 18 (4)

In multivariate longitudinal HIV/AIDS studies, multi-outcome repeated measures on each patient over time may contain outliers, and the viral loads are......


Nonparametric overdose control with late-onset toxicity in phase I clinical trials

期刊: BIOSTATISTICS, 2017; 18 (1)

Under the framework of Bayesian model selection, we propose a nonparametric overdose control (NOC) design for dose finding in phase I clinical trials.......


Simultaneous differential network analysis and classification for matrix-variate data with application to brain connectivity

期刊: BIOSTATISTICS, 2022; 23 (3)

Growing evidence has shown that the brain connectivity network experiences alterations for complex diseases such as Alzheimer's disease (AD). Network ......


Integrative functional linear model for genome-wide association studies with multiple traits

期刊: BIOSTATISTICS, 2022; 23 (2)

In recent biomedical research, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have demonstrated great success in investigating the genetic architecture of hum......


Assessing the accuracy of predictive models with interval-censored data

期刊: BIOSTATISTICS, 2022; 23 (1)

We develop methods for assessing the predictive accuracy of a given event time model when the validation sample is comprised of case K interval-censor......


A greedy approach for mutual exclusivity analysis in cancer study

期刊: BIOSTATISTICS, 2022; 23 (3)

The main challenge in cancer genomics is to distinguish the driver genes from passenger or neutral genes. Cancer genomes exhibit extensive mutational ......


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