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Ccdc134 deficiency impairs cerebellar development and motor coordination

期刊: GENES BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR, 2021; 20 (7)

Coiled-coil domain containing 134 (CCDC134) has been shown to serve as an immune cytokine to exert antitumor effects and to act as a novel regulator o......

Integrated analysis of gait parameters and gene expression profiles in a murine model of subarachnoid hemorrhage


Gait analysis has been widely used to examine the behavioral presentation of numerous neurological disorders. Thorough murine model evaluation of the ......

CRISPR/Cas9-induced nos2b mutant zebrafish display behavioral abnormalities


The immunomodulatory function of nitric oxide synthase (NOS2) has been extensively studied. However, some behavioral abnormalities caused by its mutat......

Forager age and foraging state, but not cumulative foraging activity, affect biogenic amine receptor gene expression in the honeybee mushroom bodies

期刊: GENES BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR, 2021; 20 (4)

Foraging behavior is crucial for the development of a honeybee colony. Biogenic amines are key mediators of learning and the transition from in-hive t......

Generation and basic characterization of a gene-trap knockout mouse model of Scn2a with a substantial reduction of voltage-gated sodium channel Na(v)1.2 expression

期刊: GENES BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR, 2021; 20 (4)

Large-scale genetic studies revealed SCN2A as one of the most frequently mutated genes in patients with neurodevelopmental disorders. SCN2A encodes fo......

The receptor channel formed by ppk25, ppk29 and ppk23 can sense the Drosophila female pheromone 7,11-heptacosadiene

期刊: GENES BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR, 2020; 19 (2)

In Drosophila, pheromones play a crucial role in regulating courtship behaviors. In males, female aphrodisiac pheromones promote male-female courtship......

Association between polygenic liability for schizophrenia and substance involvement: A nationwide population-based study in Taiwan

期刊: GENES BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR, 2020; 19 (5)

Schizophrenia and substance involvement frequently co-occur in individuals, and a bidirectional relationship between the two has been proposed; shared......

Examining the disconnect between prolactin and parental care in avian brood parasites

期刊: GENES BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR, 2020; 19 (7)

Prolactin is often referred to as the "parental hormone" but there are examples in which prolactin and parental behavior are disconnected. One intrigu......

Antidepressant mechanism of classical herbal formula lily bulb and Rehmannia decoction: insights from gene expression profile of medial prefrontal cortex of mice with stress-induced depression-like behavior

期刊: GENES BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR, 2020; 19 (5)

According to traditional Chinese medicine, lily bulb and Rehmannia decoction (LBRD) is a specialized formula for the treatment of "lily disease", the ......

Over-expressedMST1impaired spatial memory via disturbing neural oscillation patterns in mice

期刊: GENES BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR, 2020; 19 (6)

The activated mammalian Ste20-like serine/threonine kinases 1 (MST1) was found in the central nervous system diseases, such as cerebral ischemia, stro......

Involvement ofP2X2receptor in the medial prefrontal cortex inATPmodulation of the passive coping response to behavioral challenge

期刊: GENES BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR, 2020; 19 (8)

P2X2 and P2X3 receptors are widely expressed in both the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system and have been proven to participate ......

Sorting nexin 11 knockout mice exhibit enhanced thermosensing behaviour


Temperature sensing is an important adaptive mechanism for warm-blooded animals such as humans. ThermoTRP ion channels are activated by distinct but o......

P2Y(12) deficiency in mouse impairs noradrenergic system in brain, and alters anxiety-like neurobehavior and memory

期刊: GENES BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR, 2019; 18 (2)

Purinergic receptor P2Y(12) (P2Y(12)), a G protein-coupled purinergic receptor, is widely distributed in nervous system and involved in the progressio......


The interruptive effect of electric shock on odor response requires mushroom bodies in Drosophila melanogaster

期刊: GENES BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR, 2019; 18 (2)

Nociceptive stimulus involuntarily interrupts concurrent activities. This interruptive effect is related to the protective function of nociception tha......


Genetic influences on cortical myelination in the human brain

期刊: GENES BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR, 2019; 18 (4)

Cortical myelination, which is essential for interneuronal communication and neurodevelopment, has been reported to be under genetic control. However,......


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