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Peat swamp biodiversity in the Qizimei Mountain National Nature Reserve, China

期刊: MIRES AND PEAT, 2021; 27 ()

The Qizimei Mountain National Nature Reserve (QMNNR) is located in a hotspot for endemic species in China's subtropical zone and contains large patche......

The effect of drainage on CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions in the Zoige peatland: a 40-month in situ study

期刊: MIRES AND PEAT, 2018; 21 ()

The Zoige peatland on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the largest alpine peatland in the world, is currently experiencing unprecedented water stress due to......


Morphology of Chrysophycean stomatocysts in three peatlands in central China

期刊: MIRES AND PEAT, 2018; 21 ()

Chrysophytes are sensitive to environmental changes in alpine peatlands, within which acidic and oligotrophic conditions favour the proliferation of c......


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