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The missing human baculum: a victim of conspecific aggression and budding self-awareness?


Unlike most primates and all other great apes, humans Homo sapiens do not possess a baculum (penile bone). I discuss the shortcomings of previous hypo......

Phylogenetic reassessment of gorals with new evidence from northern Myanmar reveals five distinct species

期刊: MAMMAL REVIEW, 2020; 50 (4)

Researchers have recognised one to seven species of goral (Naemorhedus spp., Caprinae, Bovidae). We compared all available whole mitogenomic sequences......

Evolutionary history of Spalacidae inferred from fossil occurrences and molecular phylogeny

期刊: MAMMAL REVIEW, 0; ()

The Spalacidae is a family of strictly subterranean rodents with a long evolutionary history. It is unclear how ecological changes have influenced the......

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