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Drug therapy and monitoring for inflammatory bowel disease: a multinational questionnaire investigation in Asia

期刊: INTESTINAL RESEARCH, 2022; 20 (2)

Background/Aims: The incidence and prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is rising in Asia recently. The study aimed to obtain a comprehensiv......

Patterns of endoscopy during COVID-19 pandemic: a global survey of interventional inflammatory bowel disease practice

期刊: INTESTINAL RESEARCH, 2021; 19 (3)

Background/Aims: Performance of diagnostic or therapeutic endoscopic procedures in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients can be challenging during......

Incidence and risk factors for venous thrombosis among patients with inflammatory bowel disease in China: a multicenter retrospective study

期刊: INTESTINAL RESEARCH, 2021; 19 (3)

Background/Aims: Risk of venous thrombosis is increased in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD); data on Asian IBD patients is limited and s......

A Method for Estimating the Proportion of HIV-Infected Persons That Have Been Diagnosed and Application to China


Estimation of the proportion of living HIV-infected persons that have been diagnosed is critical for tracking progress toward meeting the UNAIDS goal ......

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