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Toward Multiplayer Cooperative Cloud Gaming

期刊: IEEE CLOUD COMPUTING, 2018; 5 (5)

Cloud gaming has been attracting increasing attention in the game industry. Nevertheless, the benefits of cloud-gaming platforms in facilitating multi......


An Edge Cloud-Assisted CPSS Framework for Smart Cities

期刊: IEEE CLOUD COMPUTING, 2018; 5 (5)

The smart city uses knowledge or rules mined from Internet of Things sensor data to promote the development of the city. This brings new opportunities......


The Cloud Service Broker in Multicloud Demand Response

期刊: IEEE CLOUD COMPUTING, 2018; 5 (6)

Because of cloud-computing development, choosing cloud services can be complicated and time-consuming for customers. To facilitate cloud service deliv......


Blockchain-Enabled Reengineering of Cloud Datacenters

期刊: IEEE CLOUD COMPUTING, 2018; 5 (6)

Blockchains, a decentralized storage technique, have many applications, including in reengineering cloud datacenters. This article proposes a conceptu......


An Empirical Study of Cloud API Issues

期刊: IEEE CLOUD COMPUTING, 2018; 5 (2)

With the emergence of the DevOps movement, software engineers are starting to rely on cloud platform APIs for implementing many fault tolerance, self-......


Privacy-preserving Image Processing in the Cloud

期刊: IEEE CLOUD COMPUTING, 2018; 5 (2)

Millions of private images are generated in various digital devices every day. The consequent massive computational workload makes people turn to clou......


Secure Data Collection, Storage, and Access in Cloud-Assisted IoT

期刊: IEEE CLOUD COMPUTING, 2018; 5 (4)

The cloud-assisted Internet of Things (IoT) provides a promising solution to data booming problems for the ability constraints of individual objects. ......


Tensor-Based Big Biometric Data Reduction in the Cloud

期刊: IEEE CLOUD COMPUTING, 2018; 5 (4)

When dealing with big biometric data, data reduction becomes a challenge. This article proposes a novel big biometric data reduction solution in the c......


Intelligent Cloud Resource Management with Deep Reinforcement Learning

期刊: IEEE CLOUD COMPUTING, 2017; 4 (6)

The cloud provides low-cost and flexible IT resources (hardware and software) across the Internet. As more cloud providers seek to drive greater busin......


Intelligent Resource Management in Blockchain-Based Cloud Datacenters

期刊: IEEE CLOUD COMPUTING, 2017; 4 (6)

Nowadays, more and more companies migrate business from their own servers to the cloud. With the influx of computational requests, datacenters consume......


A MapReduce-Based Ensemble Learning Method with Multiple Classifier Types and Diversity for Condition-Based Maintenance with Concept Drifts

期刊: IEEE CLOUD COMPUTING, 2017; 4 (6)

Condition-based maintenance in Industry 4.0 collects a huge amount of production datastreams continuously from the Internet of Things attached to mach......


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