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Bottom-Up Flexibility in Multi-Energy Systems: Real-World Experiences From Europe

期刊: IEEE POWER & ENERGY MAGAZINE, 2021; 19 (4)

Electricity Systems in europe are experiencing major changes due to targets for renewable energy integration, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and e......

Aggregating Distributed Energy Storage: Cloud-Based Flexibility Services From China

期刊: IEEE POWER & ENERGY MAGAZINE, 2021; 19 (4)

To meet the newest carbon emission reduction and carbon neutrality targets, the capacity of variable renewable energy sources in China is planned to d......

Transmission Technologies and Implementations: Building a Stronger, Smarter Power Grid in China

期刊: IEEE POWER & ENERGY MAGAZINE, 2020; 18 (2)

The state grid corporation of china has been deploying ultrahigh-voltage (UHV) ac technology on a large scale since launching its Strong and Smart Gri......

China's Solar Subsidy Policy: Government Funding Yields to Open Markets

期刊: IEEE POWER & ENERGY MAGAZINE, 2020; 18 (3)

The Chinese Government has issued numerous regulations that significantly affect the number of photovoltaic (PV) installations in the country and the ......

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