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COMSOL Modeling of Heat Transfer in SVE Process

期刊: ENVIRONMENTS, 2022; 9 (5)

Non aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) pollution exists in porous media such as soil. SVE technology can be used to remove this pollution in soil. However, f......

Modified Biochars and Their Effects on Soil Quality: A Review

期刊: ENVIRONMENTS, 2022; 9 (5)

Biochar (BC) has attracted attention due to its impacts on soil quality by enhancing soil fertility, carbon storage and contaminants immobilization. B......

Advances in Circular Bioeconomy Technologies: From Agricultural Wastewater to Value-Added Resources

期刊: ENVIRONMENTS, 2021; 8 (3)

This review systematically outlines the recent advances in the application of circular bioeconomy technologies for converting agricultural wastewater ......

Subtle Changes or Dramatic Perceptions of Air Pollution in Sydney during COVID-19

期刊: ENVIRONMENTS, 2021; 8 (1)

The COVID-19 pandemic made it critical to limit the spread of the disease by enforcing human isolation, restricting travel and reducing social activit......

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