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Three-way clustering method for incomplete information system based on set-pair analysis

期刊: GRANULAR COMPUTING, 2021; 6 (2)

Traditional clustering algorithms clearly assign uncertain information into a single cluster, which does not fully indicate that a cluster may not hav......

Rough set approach to non-cooperative continuous differential games

期刊: GRANULAR COMPUTING, 2021; 6 (1)

In this article, we analyze the non-cooperative continuous differential games under rough interval environment. The combination of rough set and conti......

Algebraic approaches to granular computing

期刊: GRANULAR COMPUTING, 2021; 6 (1)

We study the granular structures in granular computing from algebraic views. We model a granular structure based on an algebra that consists of a univ......

Multiple-attribute decision-making based on picture fuzzy Archimedean power Maclaurin symmetric mean operators

期刊: GRANULAR COMPUTING, 2021; 6 (3)

In this paper, a novel multiple-attribute decision-making method based on a set of Archimedean power Maclaurin symmetric mean operators of picture fuz......

A survey on granular computing and its uncertainty measure from the perspective of rough set theory

期刊: GRANULAR COMPUTING, 2021; 6 (1)

Granular computing is an umbrella term to cover a series of theories, methodologies, techniques, and tools that make use of information granules in co......

Three-way decision models and its optimization based on Dempster-Shafer evidence theory and rough sets

期刊: GRANULAR COMPUTING, 2021; 6 (2)

Dempster-Shafer evidence, rough set and three-way decision are related to each other. They are all theories and methods of handling uncertain informat......

Symptom-herb knowledge discovery based on attribute partial ordered structure diagrams

期刊: GRANULAR COMPUTING, 2021; 6 (2)

As a medical system with a long history, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) owns extremely rich and valuable experience and knowledge. In this paper, ......

Multiattribute group decision making based on interval-valued neutrosophic N-soft sets

期刊: GRANULAR COMPUTING, 2021; 6 (4)

This article introduces a novel hybrid structure named as interval-valued neutrosophic N-soft sets (IVNNSSs in short) by a reasonable and innovative c......

Extension of Einstein geometric operators to multi-attribute decision making under q-rung orthopair fuzzy information

期刊: GRANULAR COMPUTING, 2021; 6 (4)

Aggregation operators are mathematical functions and essential tools of unifying the several inputs into single valuable output. The purpose of this p......

Prediction of phosphorylation sites based on granular support vector machine

期刊: GRANULAR COMPUTING, 2021; 6 (1)

Protein phosphorylation is the most extensive and important post-translational modification in eukaryotes, regulating the activity of almost all cells......

A multi-granular network representation learning method

期刊: GRANULAR COMPUTING, 2021; 6 (1)

Granular computing (GrC) as a problem-solving concept and new information processing paradigm is deeply rooted in human thinking, which has attracted ......

Deep multiple classifier fusion for traffic scene recognition

期刊: GRANULAR COMPUTING, 2021; 6 (1)

The recognition of the traffic scene in still images is an important yet difficult task in an intelligent transportation systems. The main difficulty ......

Measures and approximations using empirical structures

期刊: GRANULAR COMPUTING, 2021; 6 (1)

Suppose that N is a set of subsets of a finite set Q. N may be interpreted, for example, as a set of observed states as a result of an experiment or a......

VGHC: a variable granularity hierarchical clustering for community detection

期刊: GRANULAR COMPUTING, 2021; 6 (1)

Hierarchical clustering is an effective method for community detection. This kind of method usually selects clustering threshold for layering, which w......

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