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Design and fabrication of I-125 seeds for brachytherapy using capillary-based microfluidic technique

期刊: NUKLEONIKA, 2021; 66 (2)

A new kind of I-125 seeds with a core-shell structure were synthesized by an easy assembling-disassembling coaxial capillaries microfluidic device. Th......

Fluka simulation of PGNAA system for determining heavy metal pollution in the soil sample

期刊: NUKLEONIKA, 2020; 65 (1)

This study presented a self-designed prompt gamma neutron activation analysis (PGNAA) model and used Fluka simulation to simulate the heavy metals (Mn......

Indoor and outdoor Rn-222 and Rn-220 and their progeny levels surrounding Bayan Obo mine, China

期刊: NUKLEONIKA, 2020; 65 (2)

More than half of the total natural ionizing radiation dose received by the human population is caused by radon and thoron (Rn and Tn) and their proge......

Investigation of the level structure of Nb-90 nucleus using the shell model

期刊: NUKLEONIKA, 2019; 64 (4)

Shell model calculations have been carried out for Nb-90 nucleus with the model space in which the valence protons occupy the f(5/2), p(3/2), p(1/2), ......


Rapid estimation of environmental radioactivity surrounding Xiangshan uranium deposits, Jiangxi province, Eastern China

期刊: NUKLEONIKA, 2018; 63 (4)

The surveys of terrestrial gamma dose rate, radon concentration indoor and in water and specific activity of radionuclides of soil were carried out in......


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