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Development of a Reference Database for Beta-Delayed Neutron Emission

期刊: NUCLEAR DATA SHEETS, 2021; 173 ()

Beta-delayed neutron emission is important for nuclear structure and astrophysics as well as for reactor applications. Significant advances in nuclear......

Compilation and Evaluation of Beta-Delayed Neutron Emission Probabilities and Half-Lives for Z > 28 Precursors

期刊: NUCLEAR DATA SHEETS, 2020; 168 ()

We present a compilation and evaluation of experimental beta-delayed neutron emission probabilities (P-n) and half-lives (T-1/2) for known or potentia......

Nuclear Data Sheets for A=51

期刊: NUCLEAR DATA SHEETS, 2017; 144 ( )

The 2006 version of nuclear data sheets for A=51 (2006Hu10) has been revised and updated on the basis of the experimental results from various decay a......


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