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Dunlin subspecies exhibit regional segregation and high site fidelity along the East Asian-Australasian Flyway

期刊: CONDOR, 2020; 122 (4)

The degree to which individuals migrate among particular breeding, migration, and wintering sites can have important implications for prioritizing con......

Blue light attracts nocturnally migrating birds

期刊: CONDOR, 2020; 122 (2)

Light pollution is increasing and artificial light sources have great impacts on animals. For migrating birds, collisions caused by artificial light p......

The response of mixed-species bird flocks to anthropogenic disturbance and elevational variation in southwest China

期刊: CONDOR, 2019; 121 (3)

Avian mixed-species flocks (MSFs) are an important example of species interactions threatened by the biodiversity crisis. They are found throughout th......


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