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Translating the Discrete Logarithm Problem on Jacobians of Genus 3 Hyperelliptic Curves with (l, l, l)-Isogenies

期刊: JOURNAL OF CRYPTOLOGY, 2021; 34 (3)

We give an algorithm to compute (l, l, l)-isogenies from the Jacobians of genus three hyperelliptic curves to the Jacobians of non-hyperelliptic curve......

Unconditionally Secure Computation Against Low-Complexity Leakage

期刊: JOURNAL OF CRYPTOLOGY, 2021; 34 (4)

We consider the problem of constructing leakage-resilient circuit compilers that are secure against global leakage functions with bounded output lengt......

Modeling for Three-Subset Division Property without Unknown Subset

期刊: JOURNAL OF CRYPTOLOGY, 2021; 34 (3)

A division property is a generic tool to search for integral distinguishers, and automatic tools such as MILP or SAT/SMT allow us to evaluate the prop......

Fine-Grained Cryptography Revisited

期刊: JOURNAL OF CRYPTOLOGY, 2021; 34 (3)

Fine-grained cryptographic primitives are secure against adversaries with bounded resources and can be computed by honest users with less resources th......

Learning Strikes Again: The Case of the DRS Signature Scheme

期刊: JOURNAL OF CRYPTOLOGY, 2021; 34 (1)

Lattice signature schemes generally require particular care when it comes to preventing secret information from leaking through signature transcript. ......

The Number of Almost Perfect Nonlinear Functions Grows Exponentially

期刊: JOURNAL OF CRYPTOLOGY, 2021; 34 (1)

Almost perfect nonlinear (APN) functions play an important role in the design of block ciphers as they offer the strongest resistance against differen......

Generic Attacks on Hash Combiners

期刊: JOURNAL OF CRYPTOLOGY, 2020; 33 (3)

Hash combiners are a practical way to make cryptographic hash functions more tolerant to future attacks and compatible with existing infrastructure. A......

Multilinear Maps from Obfuscation

期刊: JOURNAL OF CRYPTOLOGY, 2020; 33 (3)

We provide constructions of multilinear groups equipped with natural hard problems from indistinguishability obfuscation, homomorphic encryption, and ......

Practical Collision Attacks against Round-Reduced SHA-3

期刊: JOURNAL OF CRYPTOLOGY, 2020; 33 (1)

The Keccak hash function is the winner of the SHA-3 competition (2008-2012) and became the SHA-3 standard of NIST in 2015. In this paper, we focus on ......

Improved Combinatorial Algorithms for the Inhomogeneous Short Integer Solution Problem

期刊: JOURNAL OF CRYPTOLOGY, 2019; 32 (1)

The paper is about algorithms for the inhomogeneous short integer solution problem: given (A,s) to find a short vector x such that AxsWe consider algo......


Small CRT-Exponent RSA Revisited

期刊: JOURNAL OF CRYPTOLOGY, 2019; 32 (4)

Since May (Crypto'02) revealed the vulnerability of the small CRT-exponent RSA using Coppersmith's lattice-based method, several papers have studied t......


Minimizing the Two-Round Even-Mansour Cipher

期刊: JOURNAL OF CRYPTOLOGY, 2018; 31 (4)

The r-round (iterated) Even-Mansour cipher (also known as key-alternating cipher) defines a block cipher from r fixed public n-bit permutations P1,.........


Practical Cryptanalysis of Bluetooth Encryption with Condition Masking

期刊: JOURNAL OF CRYPTOLOGY, 2018; 31 (2)

In this paper, we study the security of a general two-level E0-like encryption model and its instance, the real-world Bluetooth encryption scheme. Bot......


The Security of Tandem-DM in the Ideal Cipher Model

期刊: JOURNAL OF CRYPTOLOGY, 2017; 30 (2)

We prove that Tandem-DM, one of the two "classical" schemes for turning an n-bit blockcipher of 2n-bit key into a double-block-length hash function, h......


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