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Biomarker-guided heterogeneity analysis of genetic regulations via multivariate sparse fusion

期刊: STATISTICS IN MEDICINE, 2021; 40 (17)

Heterogeneity is a hallmark of many complex diseases. There are multiple ways of defining heterogeneity, among which the heterogeneity in genetic regu......

Multithreshold change plane model: Estimation theory and applications in subgroup identification

期刊: STATISTICS IN MEDICINE, 2021; 40 (15)

We propose a multithreshold change plane regression model which naturally partitions the observed subjects into subgroups with different covariate eff......

Robust covariance estimation for high-dimensional compositional data with application to microbial communities analysis

期刊: STATISTICS IN MEDICINE, 2021; 40 (15)

Microbial communities analysis is drawing growing attention due to the rapid development fire of high-throughput sequencing techniques nowadays. The o......

Joint modeling of longitudinal data with informative cluster size adjusted for zero-inflation and a dependent terminal event

期刊: STATISTICS IN MEDICINE, 2021; 40 (21)

Repeated measures are often collected in longitudinal follow-up from clinical trials and observational studies. In many situations, these measures are......

Causal mediation analysis with sure outcomes of random events model

期刊: STATISTICS IN MEDICINE, 2021; 40 (17)

Mediation analysis is a useful tool in randomized trials for understanding how a treatment works, in particular how much of the treatment's effect on ......

Semiparametric analysis of zero-inflated recurrent events with a terminal event

期刊: STATISTICS IN MEDICINE, 2021; 40 (18)

Recurrent event data frequently arise in longitudinal studies and observations on recurrent events could be terminated by a major failure event such a......

Bayesian phase II clinical trial design with noncompliance

期刊: STATISTICS IN MEDICINE, 2021; 40 (20)

Noncompliance issue is common in early phase clinical trials; and may lead to biased estimation of the intent-to-treat effect and incorrect conclusion......

A ROC-based test for evaluating the group difference with an application to neonatal audiology screening

期刊: STATISTICS IN MEDICINE, 2021; 40 (21)

This article proposes a powerful method to compare two samples. The proposed method handles comparison of data by drawing inference from ROC curve mod......

Category encoding method to select feature genes for the classification of bulk and single-cell RNA-seq data

期刊: STATISTICS IN MEDICINE, 2021; 40 (18)

Bulk and single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) data are being used as alternatives to traditional technology in biology and medicine research. These data ar......

Variational Bayesian partially linear mean shift models for high-dimensional Alzheimer's disease neuroimaging data

期刊: STATISTICS IN MEDICINE, 2021; 40 (15)

Alzheimer's disease can be diagnosed by analyzing brain images (eg, magnetic resonance imaging, MRI) and neuropsychological tests (eg, mini-mental sta......

Inferring latent heterogeneity using many feature variables supervised by survival outcome

期刊: STATISTICS IN MEDICINE, 2021; 40 (13)

In cancer studies, it is important to understand disease heterogeneity among patients so that precision medicine can particularly target high-risk pat......

Enhanced empirical likelihood estimation of incubation period of COVID-19 by integrating published information

期刊: STATISTICS IN MEDICINE, 2021; 40 (19)

Since the outbreak of the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19), a large number of scientific studies and data analysis reports have been published in th......

Promotion time cure rate model with a neural network estimated nonparametric component

期刊: STATISTICS IN MEDICINE, 2021; 40 (15)

Promotion time cure rate models (PCM) are often used to model the survival data with a cure fraction. Medical images or biomarkers derived from medica......

A simple yet powerful test for assessing goodness-of-fit of high-dimensional linear models


We evaluate the validity of a projection-based test checking linear models when the number of covariates tends to infinity, and analyze two gene expre......

Corrected score methods for estimating Bayesian networks with error-prone nodes


Motivated by inferring cellular signaling networks using noisy flow cytometry data, we develop procedures to draw inference for Bayesian networks base......

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