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Lessons Learned from the Explosion that Occurred during the Synthesis of Diaminomethanesulfonic Acid: Discussion and Preventative Strategies

期刊: ACS CHEMICAL HEALTH & SAFETY, 2021; 28 (4)

A violent explosion accident occurred when diaminomethanesulfonic acid was synthesized from diaminomethanesulfinic acid and hydrogen peroxide. In this......

Laboratory Safety Awareness, Practice, Attitude, and Perception of Tertiary Laboratory Workers in Hong Kong: A Pilot Study

期刊: ACS CHEMICAL HEALTH & SAFETY, 2021; 28 (4)

Laboratory safety is one of the key aspects of university safety. In this pilot study, 91 laboratory workers in two universities in Hong Kong complete......

Design and Practice of an Organic Analysis Laboratory to Enhance Laboratory Safety

期刊: ACS CHEMICAL HEALTH & SAFETY, 2021; 28 (4)

Laboratory safety has been gaining increasing attention in Chinese universities in recent years. Robust laboratory designs will ensure the safety of p......

Improved Pesticide Product Labeling Information for Household Lawn Management: Recommended Safe Durations in Support of Minimizing Children's Exposure to Pesticides

期刊: ACS CHEMICAL HEALTH & SAFETY, 2022; 29 (2)

Pesticide product labels are critical for consumers to safely and legally use pesticides. Because residue levels in the environment are relatively hig......

Influence of Chemistry Learning Motivation on Freshmen? Laboratory Safety Perception

期刊: ACS CHEMICAL HEALTH & SAFETY, 2022; 29 (6)

Laboratory safety education is an important part of basic chemistry laboratory teaching. The lack of chemistry learning motivation among freshmen affe......

Enhanced Mitigation of Fire and Explosion Risks due to Hydrogen Leakage Using Targeted Nitrogen Nozzle Spray Approach

期刊: ACS CHEMICAL HEALTH & SAFETY, 2022; 29 (3)

Hydrogen leakage may cause destructive incidents due to its high flammability and explosivity. Thus, better preventive methods must be used to mitigat......

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