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Effects of temperature and food level on plasticity of metamorphic traits in Bufo gargarizans gargarizans larvae

期刊: ACTA HERPETOLOGICA, 2020; 15 (1)

Many environmental factors such as temperature or food level may influence growth and mortality risks of ectothermic vertebrates in both aquatic and t......

AT-rich microsatellite loci development for Fejervarya multistriata by Illumina HiSeq sequencing

期刊: ACTA HERPETOLOGICA, 2019; 14 (2)

In our study, a total of 2561 sequences that contained microsatellite loci were found potentially to be used for primer design. Furthermore, Illumina ......


Variability in the dorsal pattern of the Sardinian grass snake (Natrix natrix cetti) with notes on its ecology

期刊: ACTA HERPETOLOGICA, 2019; 14 (2)

The Sardinian grass snake (Natrix natrix cetti) is a Critically Endangered snake endemic to Sardinia (Italy), for which information is still scarce. I......


The relationship between brain size and digestive tract length do not support expensive-tissue hypothesis in Hylarana guentheri

期刊: ACTA HERPETOLOGICA, 2018; 13 (2)

The brain is among the most energetically costly organs in the vertebrate body. The expensive-tissue hypothesis (ETH) predicts that increasing the siz......


Thermal tolerance for two cohorts of a native and an invasive freshwater turtle species

期刊: ACTA HERPETOLOGICA, 2018; 13 (1)

The ability to tolerate environmental stress may determine invasion success of alien species. Comparative data on physiological thermal tolerance betw......


Evidence for directional testes asymmetry in Hyla gongshanensis jindongensis

期刊: ACTA HERPETOLOGICA, 2017; 12 (1)

The compensation hypothesis predicts that one testis may grow more for compensating for a reduced function in the other testis, thus exhibiting a dire......


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