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Numerical simulation of compressible fluid-particle flows in multimaterial Lagrangian hydrodynamics framework

期刊: COMPUTERS & FLUIDS, 2021; 223 ()

In the numerical simulation of multimaterial flows, Lagrangian method was applied widely, and fluid-particle multiphase flows phenomenon often existed......

Reduction-consistent multiple-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann equation method for wall bounded N immiscible incompressible fluids

期刊: COMPUTERS & FLUIDS, 2021; 221 ()

A multiple-relaxation-time (MRT) lattice Boltzmann equation (LBE) method is developed for N-phase (N >= 2) flow with moving contact lines. In the m......

Pore-scale gas flow simulations by the DSBGK and DVM methods

期刊: COMPUTERS & FLUIDS, 2021; 226 ()

Shale gas flow at the pore scale is very challenging to simulate due to high Knudsen numbers (Kn), low speeds and complicated pore geometries. The dir......

Stokes Eigenmodes on two-dimensional regular polygons

期刊: COMPUTERS & FLUIDS, 2021; 228 ()

The Stokes eigenmodes on two-dimensional regular polygons of N apexes, 3 <= N <= 40, are studied numerically using two different solvers: the la......

Method of determining the cohesion and adhesion parameters in the Shan-Chen multicomponent multiphase lattice Boltzmann models

期刊: COMPUTERS & FLUIDS, 2021; 222 ()

The cohesion and adhesion parameters are the two essential parameters in the Shan-Chen multicomponent and multiphase lattice Boltzmann models for dete......

High-order mapped WENO methods with improved efficiency

期刊: COMPUTERS & FLUIDS, 2021; 219 ()

This paper is devised to improve the efficiency of mapped WENO (WENO-M) methods. The WENO-M methods apply a mapping function on the nonlinear weights ......

A discontinuous Galerkin method for wall-modeled large-eddy simulations

期刊: COMPUTERS & FLUIDS, 2021; 222 ()

We develop an augmented discontinuous Galerkin method for wall-modeled large-eddy simulations. This method is motivated by the enrichment method that ......

Assimilation of disparate data for enhanced reconstruction of turbulent mean flows

期刊: COMPUTERS & FLUIDS, 2021; 224 ()

Reconstruction of turbulent flow based on data assimilation methods is of significant importance for improving the estimation of flow characteristics ......

A hybrid first-order and WENO scheme for the high-resolution and computationally efficient modeling of pollutant transport

期刊: COMPUTERS & FLUIDS, 2021; 225 ()

To improve the modeling quality of pollutant transport in shallow waters, different reconstruction schemes have been proposed to better link the edge ......

A ghost-cell immersed boundary method on preventing spurious oscillations for incompressible flows with a momentum interpolation method

期刊: COMPUTERS & FLUIDS, 2021; 220 ()

We propose a ghost-cell immersed boundary method (GCIBM) using a local directional ghost cell approach for the simulation of incompressible flows invo......

A fifth-order nonlinear spectral difference scheme for hyperbolic conservation laws

期刊: COMPUTERS & FLUIDS, 2021; 221 ()

We develop in this paper a fifth-order nonlinear spectral difference method for solving hyperbolic conservation laws, whose solutions often admit disc......

A volume of solid implicit forcing immersed boundary method for solving incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in complex domain

期刊: COMPUTERS & FLUIDS, 2021; 218 ()

In this study, a new implicit forcing immersed boundary (IFIB) method is proposed to solve incompressible viscous fluid flow problems involving comple......

An improved continuity-preserving interface reconstruction method for multi-material flow

期刊: COMPUTERS & FLUIDS, 2021; 224 ()

The dynamic programming interface reconstruction (DPIR) method introduced by Dumas et al.[1] is a volume-preserving and continuous interface reconstru......

One dimensional hybrid WENO-AO method using improved troubled cell indicator based on extreme point

期刊: COMPUTERS & FLUIDS, 2021; 225 ()

One dimensional troubled cell indicator, which is based on the extreme point of approximated polynomial, was proposed by Zhu and Qiu (SIAM J. Sci. Com......

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