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Lipopolysaccharide increases exosomes secretion from endothelial progenitor cells by toll-like receptor 4 dependent mechanism

期刊: BIOLOGY OF THE CELL, 2022; 114 (5)

Background Information Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) can exert angiogenic effects by a paracrine mechanism, where exosomes work as an important ......


AtFH14 crosslinks actin filaments and microtubules in different manners


Background Information In many cellular processes including cell division, the synergistic dynamics of actin filaments and microtubules play vital rol......

AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) regulates autophagy, inflammation and immunity and contributes to osteoclast differentiation and functionabs

期刊: BIOLOGY OF THE CELL, 2020; 112 (9)

Osteoclasts are multinucleated giant cells, responsible for bone resorption. Osteoclast differentiation and function requires a series of cytokines to......

Characterisation of centriole biogenesis during multiciliation in planarians

期刊: BIOLOGY OF THE CELL, 2020; 112 (12)

Background Information Dense multicilia in protozoa and metazoa generate a strong force important for locomotion and extracellular fluid flow. During ......

Long non-coding RNA Linc00518 promotes paclitaxel resistance of the human prostate cancer by sequestering miR-216b-5p

期刊: BIOLOGY OF THE CELL, 2019; 111 (2)

Background Information To characterise Linc00518 expression in prostate cancer and elucidate the potential mechanistic involvement in paclitaxel resis......


Rsph9 is critical for ciliary radial spoke assembly and central pair microtubule stability

期刊: BIOLOGY OF THE CELL, 2019; 111 (2)

Background Information In the "9+2"-type motile cilia, radial spokes (RSs) protruded from the nine peripheral microtubule doublets surround and intera......


Mechanisms of kinesin-7 CENP-E in kinetochore-microtubule capture and chromosome alignment during cell division

期刊: BIOLOGY OF THE CELL, 2019; 111 (6)

Chromosome congression is essential for faithful chromosome segregation and genomic stability in cell division. Centromere-associated protein E (CENP-......


New insights on the functional role of URG7 in the cellular response to ER stress

期刊: BIOLOGY OF THE CELL, 2018; 110 (7)

Background informationUp-regulated Gene clone 7 (URG7) is an ER resident protein, whose expression is up-regulated in the presence of hepatitis B viru......


Distinct nuclear and cytoplasmic machineries cooperatively promote the inheritance of RNAi in Caenorhabditis elegans

期刊: BIOLOGY OF THE CELL, 2018; 110 (10)

Epigenetic information can be inherited over multiple generations, which is termed as transgenerational epigenetic inheritance (TEI). Although the mec......


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