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Exploring the Development of the Sponge City Program (SCP): The Case of Gui'an New District, Southwest China

期刊: FRONTIERS IN WATER, 2021; 3 ()

Rapid urbanization has sharply increased the pressure of urban water issues (e.g., urban flooding and water pollution) in the Chinese megacities durin......

Association of Seawater Nanoparticle Size Distribution With Diversity of Marine Plankton

期刊: FRONTIERS IN WATER, 2021; 3 ()

Upon tangential ultrafiltration and asymmetric flow field analyses, seawater nanoparticle size distribution and the associations with the total number......

The Impact of Assuming Perfect Foresight in Hydroeconomic Analysis of Yellow River Diversions to the Hai River Basin, China: A Framework Combining Linear Programming and Model Predictive Control

期刊: FRONTIERS IN WATER, 2021; 3 ()

This study analyses the impact of assuming perfect foresight of future agro-hydrological events in hydroeconomic analysis of water infrastructure proj......

Role of Pore-Size Distribution on Effective Rheology of Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media

期刊: FRONTIERS IN WATER, 2021; 3 ()

Immiscible two-phase flow of Newtonian fluids in porous media exhibits a power law relationship between flow rate and pressure drop when the pressure ......

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