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The role of autophagy on eye migration during the metamorphosis of Paralichthys olivaceus

期刊: CELLS & DEVELOPMENT, 2022; 169 ()

The metamorphosis of flatfish is unique, especially its eye migration. Autophagy has been found to be involved in a variety of organisms' metamorphosi......

The regulation of Msx1 by BMP4/pSmad1/5 signaling is mediated by importin7 in dental mesenchymal cells

期刊: CELLS & DEVELOPMENT, 2022; 169 ()

Msx1 is essential for the maintenance of the odontogenic fate of dental mesenchymal cells, and is regulated by BMP/Smad1/5 signaling in a Smad4-indepe......

A novel mechanism of the lncRNA PTTG3P/miR-142-5p/JAG1 axis modulating tongue cancer cell phenotypes through the Notch1 signaling

期刊: CELLS & DEVELOPMENT, 2022; 169 ()

Tongue cancer is the most prevalent type of oral cancer. Our previous study revealed that JAG1 exerted an oncogenic effect on tongue carcinoma through......

Knockdown of long non-coding RNA MIR155HG suppresses melanoma cell proliferation, and deregulated MIR155HG in melanoma is associated with M1/M2 balance and macrophage infiltration

期刊: CELLS & DEVELOPMENT, 2022; 170 ()

This study aimed to address the roles of long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) MIR155HG in melanoma cell proliferation and apoptosis, as well as the roles of d......

Phenotypical and genetical characterization of the Mad(1-2) allele during Drosophila wing development

期刊: CELLS & DEVELOPMENT, 2022; 169 ()

Growth and patterning of Drosophila wing depends upon the sequential organizing activities of Hedgehog (Hh) and Decapentaplegic (Dpp) signaling pathwa......

Forces in stem cells and cancer stem cells

期刊: CELLS & DEVELOPMENT, 2022; 170 ()

Endogenous and exogenous forces are critical in physiology and pathology of the human body. Increasing evidence suggests that these forces, mechanics,......

Inhibition of TGF beta 1/Smad pathway by NF-Kappa B induces inflammation leading to poor wound healing in high glucose

期刊: CELLS & DEVELOPMENT, 2022; 172 ()

This study mainly analyzed the relationship between nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-kappa B) and transforming growt......

The functional verification and analysis of Fugu promoter of cardiac gene tnni1a in zebrafish

期刊: CELLS & DEVELOPMENT, 2022; 171 ()

Troponin I type 1b (Tnni1b) is thought to be a novel isoform that is expressed only in the zebrafish heart. Knocking down of tnni1b can lead to cardia......

Enhanced autophagy suppresses inflammation-mediated bone loss through ROCK1 signaling in bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells

期刊: CELLS & DEVELOPMENT, 2021; 167 ()

Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) have strong proliferative ability and multi-directional differentiation potential. Osteoarthritis is a dege......

Mir-34c affects the proliferation and pluripotency of porcine induced pluripotent stem cell (piPSC)-like cells by targeting c-Myc

期刊: CELLS & DEVELOPMENT, 2021; 166 ()

MicroRNAs are important regulators in stem cells, which involve in gene regulation, including cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. As an......

Inhibition of miR-139-5p by topical JTXK gel promotes healing of Staphylococcus aureus-infected skin wounds

期刊: CELLS & DEVELOPMENT, 2021; 166 ()

Background: The inflammatory skin wound response is regulated by argonaute 2-bound microRNAs (Ago2miRNAs) such as miR-139-5p, which inhibit transcript......

Usp22 is expressed in mouse uterus during early pregnancy and involved in endometrial stromal cell decidualization

期刊: CELLS & DEVELOPMENT, 2021; 166 ()

While decidualization is essential for embryo implantation in the context of a normal pregnancy, the molecular basis for this process remains poorly u......

MicroRNA-361 suppresses the biological processes of hepatic stellate cells in HBV-relative hepatic fibrosis by NF-kappaB p65

期刊: CELLS & DEVELOPMENT, 2021; 167 ()

Background: This research study explores the effect of miR-361 on the activation of immortalized human and mice hepatic stallate cells (HSCs). Methods......

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