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Influences of combined traffic noise on the ability of learning and memory in mice

期刊: NOISE & HEALTH, 2018; 20 (92)

Objective: The present study aimed to evaluate the influences of combined traffic noise (CTN) on the ability of learning and memory in mice. Materials......


Effects of Noise Type and Noise Sensitivity on Working Memory and Noise Annoyance

期刊: NOISE & HEALTH, 2022; 24 (114)

Objective: This study explored the interaction between environment and behavior and analyzed the effect of physical environment stimuli and individual......


Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Noise-Exposed Workers in China: Small Area Study

期刊: NOISE & HEALTH, 2017; 19 (91)

Introduction: The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether there are changes in cardiovascular risk factors among noise-exposed workers and to......


Measurement properties of the chinese weinstein noise sensitivity scale

期刊: NOISE & HEALTH, 2017; 19 (89)

Context: Noise sensitivity may mediate or moderate the influences of noise exposure on health, and it needs to be reliably evaluated. The 21-item Wein......


Effects of Soundscape on the Environmental Restoration in Urban Natural Environments

期刊: NOISE & HEALTH, 2017; 19 (87)

Context: According to the attention restoration theory, directed attention is a limited physiological resource and is susceptible to fatigue by overus......


Inhibitory Effects of Low Decibel Infrasound on the Cardiac Fibroblasts and the Involved Mechanism

期刊: NOISE & HEALTH, 2017; 19 (88)

Introduction: Infrasound is a mechanical vibration wave with frequency between 0.0001 and 20 Hz. It has been established that infrasound of 120 dB or ......


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