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Modeling method of an active-passive ventilation wall with latent heat storage for evaluating its thermal properties in the solar greenhouse

期刊: ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, 2021; 238 ()

Active-passive phase change heat storage technologies have been obtained extensive application to decrease greenhouse's demands for fossil energy duri......

Occupant-density-detection based energy efficient ventilation system: Prevention of infection transmission

期刊: ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, 2021; 240 ()

Ventilation plays an important role in prevention and control of COVID-19 in enclosed indoor environment and specially in high-occupant-density indoor......

A building energy consumption prediction model based on rough set theory and deep learning algorithms

期刊: ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, 2021; 240 ()

The efficient and accurate prediction of building energy consumption can improve the management of power systems. In this paper, the rough set theory ......

Influences of the optimized air curtain at subway entrance to reduce the ingress of outdoor airborne particles

期刊: ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, 2021; 244 ()

It is of great significance to control the air quality of underground metro stations, especially considering their poorly ventilated environments. Exi......

Exploring the impact of temperature change on residential electricity consumption in China: The 'crowding-out' effect of income growth

期刊: ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, 2021; 245 ()

Under the background of global warming, the world is experiencing many extreme climate events. The temperature fluctuation associated with climate cha......

Environmental and economic impact of household energy systems with storage in the UK

期刊: ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, 2021; 250 ()

Households accounted for 35% of total UK electricity consumption in 2019 and have considerable potential to support the target of net-zero CO2 emissio......

A general method to evaluate the applicability of natural energy for building cooling and heating: Revised degree hours

期刊: ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, 2021; 250 ()

Utilizing natural energy directly for building cooling and heating can reduce the energy use of the HVAC systems significantly. There are various util......

Evaluation of thermal sensation models for predicting thermal comfort in dynamic outdoor and indoor environments

期刊: ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, 2021; 238 ()

Thermal sensation models are commonly used to assess thermal perception in various indoor environments. Our previous work developed a new model to pre......

Method of determining acceptable air temperature thresholds in Chinese HVAC buildings based on a data-driven model

期刊: ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, 2021; 241 ()

Indoor thermal environment design parameters have a significant impact on human thermal comfort, health and building energy consumption. The methods o......

Study on the performance of two water-side free cooling methods in a semiconductor manufacturing factory

期刊: ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, 2021; 243 ()

Buildings account for a large portion of global energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Therefore, reducing the energy demands of buildings has become a......

A novel constant-air-volume range hood for high-rise residential buildings with central shaft

期刊: ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, 2021; 245 ()

This study proposed a control logic for a novel constant-air-volume (CAV) range hood. The Field Oriented Control vector was used to adjust the fan spe......

Flow characteristics and structural parametric optimisation design of rectangular plenum chambers for HVAC systems

期刊: ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, 2021; 246 ()

Plenum chambers are widely used in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems (HVAC) for homogeneous flow and pressure distribution. To date, ......

Demand response potential of district heating in a swimming hall in Finland

期刊: ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, 2021; 248 ()

In this paper, the demand response of district heating for swimming pools and pool space air is proposed and applied in a swimming hall in Finland. Sw......

Issues and challenges of implementing comprehensive renovation at aged communities: A case study of residents' survey

期刊: ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, 2021; 249 ()

The comprehensive renovation for aged communities is an important part of improving the building function, meeting the residential need, and realizing......

Analysis and modeling of air conditioner usage behavior in residential buildings using monitoring data during hot and humid season

期刊: ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, 2021; 250 ()

With split air conditioner (AC) becoming one of the most popular thermal comfort-related appliances in residential buildings in China, many issues, su......

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